• Please is it possible to show users uploaded content in mediapress gallery page? Rather than showing on wp-library, because is showing in both place.

    Please will like all uploaded content to be in mediapress gallery page.

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  • Plugin Author Brajesh Singh


    Thank you.
    It is a reasonable thing and we will add it in 1.2.1(Sorry, 1.2.0 is coming today and won’t be able to make it into that).


    This may be related to an issue I’m having on a new mediapress install. Users can upload into their own galleries, but the site gallery remains empty. This is perhaps intended, but somewhat non-intuitive for a buddypress social media site.

    If the intention is to have “public gallery” and “user gallery” separately, and not let the two overlap, then how does the site display user images, sitewide?

    A slightly confused user.

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