What I (a user) did, might help you as well… It’s not completely custom coding, nor out-of-the-box. ??
One time only:
- Create a Location Attribute in Dashboard->Events->Settings->General called #_LATT{googlemaps} (or anything you’d like of course).
- Add the attribute as a link to your Event Page layout in Dashboard->Events->Settings>Formatting->Events->Single Event Page. I’m currently using this:
<a href="#_LATT{googlemaps}" title="View on Google Maps" target="_blank">+ Google Maps</a>
A new Attributes field will be added to the location page in Events->Locations.
There you can paste the link taken manually from Google Maps:
In Google Maps (https://maps.google.com) look up your location, click “Share” and copy the full url (not the short one!). It would look something like https://www.google.com/maps/place/[name of the location]/@[coordinates],zoomlevel/data=[string]
. Paste this link in the Attributes Field of your location page and save changes.
This last step is only needed when you create a new location, of course.
Check it out here: https://www.guidepatrick.nl/agenda/city-tour-2017-09-30/