• Resolved audunmb


    I use the following code to display events.

    <div  class="facebook-event"><a href="#_EVENTICALURL" title="Legg til med iCal" alt="Legg til med iCal"><i class="pl-icon pl-icon-calendar-plus-o pl-icon-2x"></i></a> <a href="#_EVENTGCALURL" alt="Legg til p? Google kalender" title="Legg til p? Google kalender"><i class="pl-icon pl-icon-google pl-icon-2x"></i></a> </a><a href="#_ATT{facebook-link}" alt="Lenke til arrangementet p? Facebook" title="Meld deg p? arrangementet p? Facebook"><i class="pl-icon pl-icon-facebook-official pl-icon-2x"></i></a></div><h4><em><strong><span class=eventdato>#j. #F </span>{is_long} - <span class=eventdato>#@j. #F</span>{/is_long}{no_time}<span class=klokkeslett>kl. #_24HSTARTTIME #@_{- j. F}{/no_time}{has_time}<span class=klokkeslett>kl. #_24HSTARTTIME #@_{- j. F} til #_24HENDTIME</span>{/has_time}</strong>
    <br />{has_location}<span class="sted">#_LOCATIONNAME</span>, <span class="adresse">#_LOCATIONADDRESS</span>,<span class="by"> #_LOCATIONTOWN</span>{/has_location}</em></h4>
    <h6 class="event-arrang">Arrang?r(er):</h6>  #_EVENTCATEGORIES 
    <div class="flerearrangment">[events_link]Flere arrangement[/events_link]</div>

    The latest version has URL locations which is great, but it doesn’t show up in the actual event. Take a look.
    I’d expect there to be a placeholder for the meeting link that I can use in my code, but can’t find it in the documentation. A conditional like {is_virtual} would also be nice.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl



    Sorry for the confusion, did you mean shortcode [events_link] is not working an showing the events page link?

    Thread Starter audunmb


    No, I’m asking what are the placeholders to use when I have a digital meeting and want to show the url of that meeting on the single event page (and elsewhere if necessary).

    I found some documentation on Zoom meetings, and the placeholder #_EVENTLOCATION allows me to display a link in the event display page, even though I’m not using Zoom or your Zoom plugin.
    I suggest adding this to the general documentation on placeholders. That those apply even when you don’t have the Zoom plugin is not obvious.

    So the current code I’m using is under Settings > Formatting > Single Event Page:

    <div  class="facebook-event"><a href="#_EVENTICALURL" title="Legg til med iCal" alt="Legg til med iCal"><i class="pl-icon pl-icon-calendar-plus-o pl-icon-2x"></i></a> <a href="#_EVENTGCALURL" alt="Legg til p? Google kalender" title="Legg til p? Google kalender"><i class="pl-icon pl-icon-google pl-icon-2x"></i></a> </a><a href="#_ATT{facebook-link}" alt="Lenke til arrangementet p? Facebook" title="Meld deg p? arrangementet p? Facebook"><i class="pl-icon pl-icon-facebook-official pl-icon-2x"></i></a></div><h4><em><strong><span class=eventdato>#j. #F </span>{is_long} - <span class=eventdato>#@j. #F</span>{/is_long}{no_time}<span class=klokkeslett>kl. #_24HSTARTTIME #@_{- j. F}{/no_time}{has_time}<span class=klokkeslett>kl. #_24HSTARTTIME #@_{- j. F} til #_24HENDTIME</span>{/has_time}</strong>
    <br />{has_location}#_EVENTLOCATION{_top}<span class="sted">#_LOCATIONNAME</span> <span class="adresse">#_LOCATIONADDRESS</span><span class="by"> #_LOCATIONTOWN</span>{/has_location}</em></h4>

    This solves one half of my issue. The other part is a conditional placeholder for digital meetings.
    Currently (with the updated code above) I get the URL to show as the location of the event. But if you look at the page, the separators (“,”) for the adress of a physical location still shows. How do hide those?

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    have you tried the placeholders and conditional placeholders mentioned on this link? https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/location-types/zoom/meetings/

    Thread Starter audunmb


    Had a look at this again. I tried to enable and use nested conditionals.

    {has_location}#_EVENTLOCATION{_top}{no_event_location_zoom_meeting} #_LOCATIONNAME</span> <span class="adresse">#_LOCATIONADDRESS</span><span class="by"> #_LOCATIONTOWN</span>{/no_event_location_zoom_meeting}{/has_location}</em></h4>

    That doesn’t work. I managed to do a CSS-hack with the :empty-pseudoclass for the span. That solves my issue for now though.

    May I suggest the following conditional placeholders:
    -has_virtual_location (since not everybody is using zoom)

    Also, the option to have a physical and virtual location for the same event would great.

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