• I have a pretty plain WordPress 3.3.1 install with the stock twentyeleven theme. I dragged and dropped (via Appearance/Widgets) the Calendar to the Showcase Sidebar and clicked the Save button.

    I expected to see the calendar on the Showcase Sidebar but I don’t see any change.

    What am I missing?

    Update: Actually, I can’t see now even the Main Sidebar. I could swear I saw it working. And yes – I tried the 3 different “Default Layout” settings in Appearance/Theme Options.

    Also, I am using a *child* theme of twenteyelven (style.css only)

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  • The Showcase template has its own sidebar. See Appearance – > Widgets -> Showcase Sidebar

    Thread Starter sustainable


    @esmi Huh??? Did you read my question?

    Yes – try switching back to the parent theme first.

    Thread Starter sustainable


    @esmi Thanks. I switched, but that didn’t help. Any other idea that would not mandate re-installing WordPress and repeating everything I have done from scratch?

    Is the Showcase sidebar showing in Appearance -> Widgets? If not, have you tried:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    – re-uploading the wp-admin and wp-includes folders from a fresh download of WordPress.

    Thread Starter sustainable


    @esmi Yes, the Showcase sidebar is showing in Appearance -> Widgets.

    I also completely uninstalled all plugins.

    I am out of ideas.

    So the Showcase sidebar is showing in Appearance -> Widgets when you use Twenty Eleven but not when you use your child of Twenty Eleven, yes?

    I have the same problem.

    I am using the stock version of Twenty Eleven.

    When I drag any widget into the “Showcase Sidebar” widget area, nothing appears on any pages using the “Sidebar Template”.

    Why is this?

    Ah, answered my own question. I need to be using the Showcase Template, if I am reading correctly.



    I have just upgraded a site to 3.3.1 using Twenty Eleven and the Main Sidebar disappeared. I was looking for a solution and noticed that it shows on blogs but not pages. Since the home page is a page the sidebar was not showing to visitors until a blog was selected from the menu.

    I then realised that not all pages would need the sidebar so it is reasonable for it to be an option for the page. I went to the individual pages and found on the right the Template drop-down. Selecting Sidebar Template from the options then displays the sidebar on those pages I want it to appear.


    When I changed the template off to the right within the template drop down and selected sidebar template my whole page went haywire. Any other ideas?

    I’m still having an issue with my main page – showcase slidebar.

    When I click apperance-widgets i do have an option for showcase slidebar but and type of widget i put there does not show up. This is not a sub page but a main page so their is no link to change in “PAGES”. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Site = tubbysnc.com

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