• Theme Author Tomas Mackevicius


    Hello, all Tiny Forge theme users!

    It would be very interesting to see your adaptation of Tiny Forge theme, or perhaps you even made a child theme for it ??

    Don’t be shy!

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  • Oh sorry, I must have mis understood the post. Feel free to delete my post.

    Theme Author Tomas Mackevicius


    @esmi sorry, but I disagree with this one ??

    Every theme should have such topic on their support forum. How users of this particular theme would find out others who are using it? In one place? Such topic let’s theme users see other implementations, share the moding ideas, discuss things. And the topic name is not trivial, everyone understands that it is related to this particular theme.

    If you’re not happy with word “showcase”, you can change it to other one, eg. “Discuss” ??

    Thank you!

    Theme Author Tomas Mackevicius


    @Collar City Brownstone – nice site ??

    I see you got google fonts working ??

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @esmi sorry, but I disagree with this one ??

    Yeah… no sorry but Esmi’s right on target. ??

    See here’s the thing: these are support forums. They are not for showcasing your theme or showing off what your users can do with your theme. That’s not support that’s marketing and really isn’t why this dedicated sub-forum exists. They’re coming here for support; users can and should show off their sites in the Your WordPress section.


    If you want to post a topic in this dedicated theme sub-forum and invite people to post their work on your site (not on www.ads-software.com) and make that topic sticky then that will be fine (I think anyways). But that topic will be closed because posting such showcases in these forums is not the right place for that.

    Edit: If you can provide that link to an external site please do. If not then this topic will be closed without that link.

    Theme Author Tomas Mackevicius


    Sure, please add this link:


    Interesting, but how can I make the topic sticky? (not this one, but I will prepare one in the future)

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Interesting, but how can I make the topic sticky? (not this one, but I will prepare one in the future)

    It’s funny you should ask! ??

    OK not really funny. If you look on the right there should be a “Make this topic sticky” link. If there isn’t let one of the moderators know and we’ll see if one of us can make it sticky in your sub-forum.

    I know plugin authors can and do but to be honest I’m less sure about theme sub-forums.

    Theme Author Tomas Mackevicius


    It’s not funny indeed ??

    I don’t have this link, just a “Add this topic to your favorites” link.

    Perhaps this should be fixed on a grand-scale, so every theme developer had this right?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I’ve just emailed my fellow collaborators (mods) and have come to the conclusion that the dedicated theme sub-forums lack the sticky bit.

    I’ve escalated this but I do not believe my idea of sticky will work in this case. That’s a shame as I think that would have worked out well…

    Can you update the verbiage on your theme page?


    Putting a showcase invitation there (I think) would be acceptable.

    Theme Author Tomas Mackevicius


    If they will not give theme developers sticky rights, then it’s really some kind of discrimination :-/

    Sure, I will update the description. Thank you!

    Should we open separate ticket for the sticky rights and ask all other theme devs? Little bit of community pressure always helps ??

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    If they will not give theme developers sticky rights, then it’s really some kind of discrimination :-/

    I agree with you that it is unfortunate but I don’t think it’s quite like that… ??

    Should we open separate ticket for the sticky rights and ask all other theme devs? Little bit of community pressure always helps ??

    I think that’s a very good idea but let I’ll ask around for where best place for you to raise that ticket. It would not surprise me at all if there is one already. ??

    Theme Author Tomas Mackevicius


    Searched for:


    and similar ones, but could not find anything related.

    You could raise this as a ticket but it is a known issue and it is on the ToDo list already.

    Theme Author Tomas Mackevicius


    OK, thank you Esmi! Will wait then.

    That could be quite a wait. It’s a really, really, long ToDo list.

    Is there nowhere on your site where you could create a showcase resource for your theme? That’s what we’ve done with the eShop plugin.

    Theme Author Tomas Mackevicius


    I created an empty post (will update it later):


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