Damn, everytime I’m gone for a day or not around I get replies like this lol!!
” No, actually I tend to believe the number of people that wouldn’t know how to do the function I described is so miniscule to be concerned about it isn’t worth the time nor trouble. ”
Yeah, true I suppose…but like I was basically saying or hinting was, that way it would be easier to add to files or what not. But it don’t really matter now…I got it.
” And anyone that addresses their blog readers as “Thank you for your cooperation bastards…” needs to do a rethink about attitude. “
Well, incase ya forgot, the site is named “Vindictive Bastard” and I wouldn’t think having…. “Hello all my wonderful online friends!” or “Thank you for your cooperation my wonderful online friends” wouldn’t be right for it lmao!!
I have had my Plog up before rather, under the same “name”, just was a .com and had alot of visitors. Most of those visitors came in from google searches for: twisted shit, vindictive, bastard, sluts, whores, relationships, shit friends, porno, and whatever else you can think of. The people that would be “expected” to visit the Blog would be the people interested in that content, just as if I showed up here, because I was looking up a good blog software, or help for it…right?
I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have landed at my site if it was a happy and cheerful site, while looking up the keywords they were using lmao. That comment was not really intended to be “harsh” at them really, just was to be funny. I had used that line a number of times before throughout some posts. Posts such as this one, which was originally done how long ago while using Plog.
This part here, pretty much means what it says:
This is me, “Mr Go Fluck Yourself” if you don’t like my Blog. And I take it you don’t like my Blog, so…
This was also posted right on the main site index page before, because the Site and or (Plog) “Blog” posts are mostly VENTS about stuff that pisses me off, and or real life experiences that are pissing me off, or either just bothering me and I want to express myself! If you don’t like it, leave.
I had visited your site as well and noticed some attitude in the posts. It’s just what we feel like typing or expressing at the moment. That’s part of “freedom of speech”, not everyone has to like what is there. Same goes for the maddox site, some people don’t like him, while alot of people do. I dunno, but thanks for pointing that out though… =)