• I have a two-column theme with the main content on the left and a sidebar on the right. Right now, I use a sidebar image to create the vertical line that separates these two sections. I was wondering if there was an easier way to do this. I tried adding ‘border-left: 1px solid’ to my css and it did create a vertical line but it also shifted my sidebar items down and the vertical line doesn’t connect to my header or footer. Any suggestions?

    – Austin

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  • Austin,
    the shifting thing can be fixed by adjusting the padding-right in your css. Now, the tricky part is extending down to the bottom. This is something CSS sucks at, and I am not able to help with. Anything I have every seen is a workaround. Hopefully, someone here can help you on that. Site looks nice, good luck.

    I have a border attached to my #content css because I know my content will always be longer than my sidebar.

    It’s the only way I know to get a nice border to separate the content from the sidebar without excessive use of images. You’ll need to adjust your padding in your sidebar to accommodate this. I also adjusted the bottom-padding and bottom-margins on my #maincontainer div, that basically wraps my entire page so the border could snugly sit on my footer.

    Hope this helps.

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