how can i minimize this margin and move sidebar to the right a bit so there is space between sidebar and post content?
You can add this rule:
.td-page-wrap .row:first-child .span12:first-child .td-grid-wrap:first-child .container-fluid:first-child {
padding-right: 35px;
Decrease the value to move the sidebar more to the right. The value of 35px is what is currently in effect.
change the color of text on sidebar
Change the first rule that I gave you to this:
.td-page-wrap .row:first-child .span12:first-child .td-grid-wrap:first-child .container-fluid:first-child .span4 {
background-color: #ccc;
padding: 15px;
color: #4b4b4b;
The color value of #4b4b4b is what is currently in effect (a dark gray). Change that value to whatever color value that you want.
And how come it changed the color of my homepage as well where it is a static page i did not have any sidebar there but still after the code been pasted it changed the color of homepage as well.
Can you post a link to a page which does not have a sidebar? One of the unfortunate things about the theme that you are using is that it doesn’t assign unique IDs like most other themes to basic elements like sidebars, so you have to create complicated selectors which might not work on every page if the pages are different in structure.