Sidebar Editing – Bizarre Theme Issue!!!
Hello, my site is run on the Gridline Lite theme, which has a bizarre problem with me editing the sidebar.
The developer has hard-coded an ugly grey box, as well as “contributors”, “popular” and “blogroll” widgets into the right hand sidebar (visible on the home page) and this is very disruptive for anyone with an imagination. when I remove the coding from Index.php this causes the sites layout to go wild – the footer merges with the header! It would be very helpful to know why.
My instincts are now telling me to change the CSS to hide these items, but I need your advice on doing this well.
Important Questions:
1. Should I hide these bits using CSS, or is it best to delete the php code (see below) and fix the CSS to stop the footer going wild? How can this be done?
2. Will hiding the site’s description be more Google-friendly than deleting it?
3. Should I put back (and hide) the site’s title (currently removed/replaced with Jpg logo) for Google?
4. If widgets can be hard-coded into specific places, can I do this with the GTranslate widget too, and get it under my search bar? That would be ideal!WordPress comrades, I am at your mercy. Your advice would be a huge help!… And if you ever need a cheap place to stay in Morocco, you know who to contact! ??
Code from index.php
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