• Resolved pamrburke


    I am using the WP Engine staging area for my site in order to test my pages.

    I added the plug-in and created a sidebar for my About Page, then added the Search Widget, however it is not appearing on my page.

    I am doing this for the Minimum Pro theme.

    As for the ID, I used the Reveal IDs plugin to obtain the ID, therefore, I believe I did that correctly.




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  • Thread Starter pamrburke


    I know what I was missing. I found a video from Bob Dunn that showed me that I needed to do one more step. I had to go to the About Page and select the name of sidebar.



    I’ve done that, and did a workaround in another closed thread that used the Primary sidebar for the blog page and the Simple Sidebar sidebar for the main pages. Yes, I have selected the sidebar in the page dropdown; yes I have selected the Blog template on my blog page. The ONLY sidebar I can get to render on any page is the Paimary and Bottom. It ignores the Simple Sidebar sidebar completely even if it is selected. Ugh!

    The workaround I had to do was to designate the default (Primary) sidebar as the blog sidebar. I created a Pages Sidebar to use on all the other pages. The bad thing about that is that if you have a lot of pages, you have to go into each one (you cannot use Bulk Edit) and change the Sidebar Dropdown to use the Pages Sidebar. This isn’t an issue if you are just building your site, but if you have an existing site that you’re trying to implement Simple Sidebars on, it can be a time-consuming process.

    So it looks like somehow the Blog Template is tied to the Primary Sidebar and won’t recognize another sidebar.

    This can be resolved through PHP in your functions.php file by adding some custom sidebar logic. Here’s what I did:

    add_action( 'genesis_after_content', 'my_sidebar_logic' );
    function my_sidebar_logic() {
        if( is_author() || is_category() || is_tag() || is_date() || is_home() ) {
            remove_action( 'genesis_sidebar', 'ss_do_sidebar' );
            add_action( 'genesis_sidebar', 'my_do_blog_sidebar' );
    function my_do_blog_sidebar() {
         dynamic_sidebar( 'blog-sidebar' );

    You may need to change the action if your sidebar is in a different position than right after the content, but this is the typical location for the primary sidebar.
    You will have to create a sidebar for the blog page using Simple Sidebars and give it the slug ‘blog-sidebar’ or change the slug in the code to match the sidebar you want to use.
    If you just want the sidebar to be used on the blog page, take of the logic that checks for the archive pages and just check for is_home(). I wanted the same sidebar on all archive pages as well as the main blog page.
    Good luck!

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