• This is probably the strangest thing I’ve seen thus far.


    The sidebar links – be they to other categories or pages on my site, or to outside sites, aren’t clickable in IE. However in FF, they work perfectly.

    All other links on the site, the header link, comments, post titles, etc – they work perfectly normal.

    I’ve already tried re-creating permalinks, and nothing changed.

    I’m totally stumped on this one…

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  • Thread Starter ladydelaluna


    wow thanks manstraw – you must be viewing in 800×600? i don’t see it in 1024 in either, and in firefox, it’s actually on top… too strange, will have to figure that one out.

    can’t click them in IE 6 still though… i guess IE7’s doing SOMETHING right… LOL

    any thoughts on what might be wrong here?

    Lara, I just checked it now, refreshed it twice using IE7 Beta3 and none of the sidebar links are “clickable”, the mouse arrow just goes over them, like they were a “background image” or something. =(

    If you want, I can revert back to IE6 and take a better gander at what might be going on? Let me know ok.. ??


    Just throwing this out though, just did a check on the CSS Validation quick, got this message:

    Target: https://www.ladydelaluna.com/
    Please, validate your XML document first!

    Line 73

    Column 28

    The entity name must immediately follow the ‘&’ in the entity reference.”

    Which you probably already new, but..I’m not even sure that would be the possible “cause” or not though.. =/


    I’ll try looking through your CSS file though anyways, see what I can find..or not =P

    Just now checked your source for the page and you have this, just for an example:

    <div class="box2">
    <ul><li class="page_item"><a href="https://www.ladydelaluna.com/2006-to-do-list/" title="2006 To-Do List">2006 To-Do List</a></li>

    You have the UL and LI class set for links in the CSS file, not the ‘page_item’ s. I’m not sure if that’s maybe it or not…but, never know lol..

    I hope this helps, maybe.. =P


    I think I tested ie7 beta 2. I’ve forgotten which one I have, and I’m not near that puter right now. I’ll make sure when I get the chance.

    As to what’s wrong, no idea at this point.

    Thread Starter ladydelaluna


    Thanks Spencer – I’m off to bed, but I’ll check that tomorrow…

    Thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter ladydelaluna


    Thanks for checking for me manstraw – every little bit helps!

    G’night all – will revisit this in the morning. ??

    Thanks Spencer – I’m off to bed, but I’ll check that tomorrow…

    Thanks for your help!

    No problem. =) If I remember right, working on the localhost, with a theme before, I had to specify the “page_item” as well, for the links.. but, I could be wrong..or right hehe. =) ??

    I hope the suggestion helps either way though. =) Goodnight, I’m sure you need the rest after mentally battling with this issue sigh. ??


    To update on this, just to follow up on what lhk has mentioned above:

    My other online “Buddy” said the same thing.

    Twisted – says:
    I disabled all CSS and the links are now working

    BigWilly says:
    yeah its fixed positioning

    BigWilly says:
    she will need to rewrite her css file

    Twisted – says:
    why would fixed positioning do it =/

    BigWilly says:
    Its a IE bug.

    BigWilly says:
    yeah read – https://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-5794.html

    Twisted – says:
    she should still either remove the page_item ‘s though right, or either style them

    BigWilly says:

    Twisted – says:

    Twisted – says:
    ok, I’ll make a reply about this all to her

    BigWilly says:

    i’ve learned that the original link not working in ie problem relates to using fixed positioning and as you recommended, the only workaround is to not use fixed positioning. so i’ve adapted your suggested stylesheet for the site, as a result learning more about using css for positioning. fixed the centering, d”

    BigWilly says:
    its already been mentoined – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/78301#post-405536

    So, that pretty much should be the “problem” then, that IE bug with the “fixed positioning” and you should either remove the “page_items” class, or style them.. I hope this helps. =)


    This is why I LOVE messengers lol! It helps ALOT when trying to figure out problems and stuff, rather then sending 100’s of email convos back n forth LOL! Messengers are quick and painless hahaha..

    Hi spencerp,

    thanks for doing the footwork :-)))

    I just vaguely remembered having the same problem once during positioning a righthand column yesterday.

    Hi spencerp,

    thanks for doing the footwork :-)))

    No problem. =)

    I just vaguely remembered having the same problem once during positioning a righthand column yesterday.

    Sometimes the tiniest things are the biggest problems sigh.. =( Damn IE bugs! Damn them to hell! LoL! haha..damn, I really need a beer lol. Just kidding.. =P


    Try this: change the line for #sidebar from
    margin-left: 350px; to
    /* margin-left: 350px;*/ position:absolute; left: 350px;

    Then near the bottom of your template you have three consecutive </div> tags a few lines below <div class="feedback">.
    Take out one and move it to just before </body></html> — this is so that the #content div will then contain the footer elements.

    Finally, remove this rule from #footer in style.css
    margin-left: 300px;
    and that should give you the layout you want without the quirkiness of float:left in IE. It works fine in my test of it.

    Thread Starter ladydelaluna


    Wow – thanks everyone!! I’m off to try this all and I’ll report back with exactly what happened to work.

    Thank youuuu!

    just checked my ie7 version. it’s 7.0.5335.5 beta 2

    I’ve tried about half of the sidebar links, and each one tested works.

    I’m going to update it to the latest and see what happens.

    I just upgraded to the latest beta3 of ie7. And now I see the same problem. Weird how beta2 was good, and beta3 isn’t. Are they going backwards?

    When I tried to click on the link, nothing happened. But when I tried to double and triple click it, the paragraph of text to the right in the body of the page highlighted, as if I double and triple clicked on it.

    One thing I might try is specifically setting the z-index for the various blocks. It’s acting like something is in front of it, or is otherwise caca with the z index layers.

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