• Hi – beautiful theme, was wondering if there was a reason to make the sidebar hidden on mobile? I know it’s easy enough to override the styles that set it to display:none, but for people that don’t know CSS that could be difficult. Unless there is a setting that I missed? Thanks!

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  • I have same problem (no sidebar) on iPad and mobile phone anyone like to suggest what I can do to overcome this please?

    The sidebar seems not to float on smaller screens, mobile or small windows on a laptop or desktop. Is there any development on this?

    The sidebar is hidden in mobile view. Since I didn’t like that (there’s the moneymaking part of the site..), I used the following custom CSS:

    @media ( max-width: 1000px ) {

    .sidebar {
    display: inherit !important;
    padding:2em 1em 1em 2em;
    border:solid 1px #ddd;

    @media ( max-width: 500px ) {

    .sidebar {

    The padding is adjusted for the SRP Special Recent Posts widget, zo adjust it to your own needs. Example: https://www.exotischevakantie.info.

    Oh, and add this too, between the @media ( max-width: 1000px ) hooks:

    .sidebar h3.widget-title {

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