• Hi,

    I have a issue . On my site https://andewschool.com/ , the sidebar shows up downwards . I have added a new theme while it shows up just fine with default theme . This happens with both new themes added by me . This only happens when I change theme on exisitng content . However , if I add new content on empty site , it works just fine . Can anyone assist me with this plz

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  • I would try, but I was temporarily blinded by the electric pink background.

    Sorry. *rubs eyes*

    Wow – holy crap, that’s *some* pink background! ::has been blinded too::

    I’m not clear on what you mean by “sidebar shows up downwards”? What is “downwards”? And what browser and screen resolution are you using? Aside from the blinding pink background, I didn’t see anything amiss with your site. (I’m running Firefox 1.0 with a resolution of 1280×1024)

    The issue shows up in IE but not Firefox.

    Then the only thing the OP has to do to search for “sidebar down IE” to find hundreds of similar posts AND the fix posted as many times ??

    hey. I feel your pain. I think you should first rule out broken HTML inputed to the post(s), or if you edited the “archive.php” or “archives.php” I think you jacked it up a little… I’ve had this problem before… I viewed the source and I see
    <div /></div>
    right after the schoolsdirect stuff… i think the problem is there. it looks different on other pages… I could be wrong though. Good luck.

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