Sidebar title translation, extent header, remove list from custom menu
awesome theme! I really love it! ??I have three questions:
How can I translate the sidebar titles? I’ve changed the English titles in the sidebar.php and sidebar2.php files to something more fitting for my site, but I would also like to translate the titles into other languages. Polylang does not translate the titles unfortunately.
Is it possible to extent an image across the whole header?
Is it possible to remove the list tags from the menu items in the custom menu? I don’t know CSS so I don’t know what to delete and what to leave in.
Thank you
Hi Karen. Welcome to the Hueman forum.
How can I translate the sidebar titles?
You could use a function in a child theme: are a couple of plugins:’s a good primer on translating a theme: it possible to extent an image across the whole header?
One way using the header logo as the image: a background image: the list tags from the menu items in the custom menu?
Not sure what you mean by “list tags”. The dropdown arrows for child menus?
Hi bdbrown,
thank you for your quick reply!
I had a look at the code for the functions.php
/* ------ Change selected text ------ */ add_filter( 'gettext', 'my_new_text', 20, 3 ); function my_new_text( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) { switch ( $translated_text ) { case 'Next story' : $translated_text = __( 'Go Forward -->', 'hueman' ); break; case 'Previous story' : $translated_text = __( '<-- Go Back', 'hueman' ); break; case 'You may also like...' : $translated_text = __( 'More posts like this...', 'hueman' ); break; } return $translated_text; }
So e.g. ‘Next Story’ would represent the original text and ‘Go Forward –>’ the text I want it to be. My question may sound silly, but I’m trying to understand how it works if the target text is in a different language. Would the change not affect all the pages no matter what the language or is there something in the code that says only use the replacement if the English text is translated into another language? What if the site is translated in more than two languages? I hope my questions makes sense.
Regarding the list tags: I probably didn’t put that right. I was referring to the dashes in front of the menu (list) items. Here is an image.
They only show when you create a custom menu, i.e. if you add the widget to a sidebar, header area or footer. I would prefer the menu without the dashes.The regular menu looks great and so does the dropdown menu. ??
I’ll check out all your other links and report back how it went. Thanks again!
Hello Karen. ??
Just to add my twopence on @bdbrown ‘s reply.There is this very good old trick I haven’t used for a while but I think I remember right. I would use it when a lot of language alterations were needed. You will need to do some work though.
Note: The following trick applies to ANY theme or plugin.
In two words: You will create a “new” language for your site. Your language.Here are the steps.
1. You go into your theme’s or plugin’s language folder and download the .po file of the language you are interested in. (in your case, from hueman/languages the en_US.po file)
2. You rename the file to the corresponding theme/plugin name accordingly. (in your case, from en_US.po to hueman-en_US.po)
3. You download FREE Poedit program from It is very easy to use. Also have a look here.
4. After you finish with your alterations you have new .po and .mo files. (in your case the newly saved hueman-en_US.po and a brand new file named
5. Upload the new files to /wp-content/languages/themes or /wp-content/languages/plugins accodingly. (in your case, /wp-content/languages/themes)
6. View your site
7. Enjoy ??EXTRA STEP, only IF your default language is ENGLISH. In this case since WordPress falls back to english you have to explicitly state your language at wp-config.php. So you access wp-config.php and add:
/** * WordPress Localized Language, defaults to English. * * Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the chosen * language must be installed to wp-content/languages. For example, install * to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to 'de' to enable German * language support. */ define ('WPLANG', 'en_US');
just under the
$table_prefix = 'wp_';
This way you make sure it picks up your file and not the default one.Hope that helps,
marikamitsosPS: @bdbrown Could you please have a look at this thread as well? Thanks. ??
The “case” statement in the function is looking at the source code. I haven’t done a translated site so don’t know if that would include the sidebar titles or not. If it does, then you would look for that translated text instead of the English. If the translated text doesn’t include the sidebar titles, then you’d look for the default English text.
For the menus, give this css a try:
/* remove leading icon on menu widget items */ .widget_pages ul li a:before, .widget_nav_menu ul li a:before { content: ''; }
@marikamitsos – thanks for the additional info on translations.
Hi marikamitsos,
thank you very much for this step-by-step tutorial! It’s great! And it’s working!
I’ve come across this information before (mo-files, po-files) but didn’t know what to do with it. Your information is clear and easy to understand (and a revelation as to what is possible when it comes to localising a website!)
The default language is English as I live in England and write all my content in English (so is my WP installation). Therefore I’ve added the code to the wp-config.php file.
This way you make sure it picks up your file and not the default one.
I changed the file name from hueman-en_US.po (mo) to hueman-de_DE.po (mo) as it wasn’t picking up the German from the hueman-en_US.po file, but now everthing is translated properly!
Thank you so much, you’ve solved a big issue for me!
Am I right in thinking that I could also use this method to simply change the terminology within the default language too (instead of messing with the code in the individual files)? For example: When it says ‘More’ on the right hand side (sidebar title) and I want it to say ‘News’. Could I download the en_US.po file, rename it to hueman-en_US.po and change just that word in Poedit and then upload the files like you described?
That would be awesome!
That is correct. ??
As I wrote above:In two words: You will create a “new” language for your site. Your language.
As long as the text you want to alter is translatable by the theme itself.
Hi bdbrown,
I’ve tried the code for the header. The one for the site logo works fine. I couldn’t get the one for the background image to work though. I removed the site logo and added the code to my child theme. I linked to a plain red image to see if it was working, but nothing appeared.
Hi marikamitsos
the German translations are working all fine :-). I cannot get the English word changes to work though. The sidebar title should read ‘News & Challenges’, but it still reads ‘More’.
I’ve only changed this one line in the en_US.po file, saved it as hueman-en_US.po and then uploaded the file to /wp-content/languages/themes.
I added the code to the wp-config.php and changed en_US.po in the code to hueman-en_US.po.A corresponding MO file for the chosen language must be installed to wpcontent/languages. For example, install to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to ‘de’ to enable German language support.
wp-content/languages or wp-content/languages/themes?
Thank you both for your help so far!
If you did the steps right it should/would/must work.
Don’t worry. You’ll get there. ??
let’s go through it a bit.The sidebar title should read ‘News & Challenges’, but it still reads ‘More’.
As we said before the string itself must be translatable in the first place. If it is not, it won’t work.
I’ve only changed this one line in the en_US.po file, saved it as hueman-en_US.po and then uploaded the file to /wp-content/languages/themes.
You do realize you have to upload the (from the .po file) .mo created file. I mean the procedure (at least one of them) is:
Pick-up the corresponding to the language you want to fiddle with and save it as a .po file. Then make a minute change to it, like adding a dot somewhere or a space and save (the .po file). The program will AUTo generate the .mo file foe you. Check if it there.
Finally you upload that .mo file to the corresponding folder (themes or plugins).
To sum it up:
hueman-en_US.pot–>hueman-en_US.po–>–>wp-content/languages/themes/hueman-en_US.moLet us know how you get along.
marikamitsosHi marikamitsos,
thank you for your reply. ??
That’s exactly how I did it. Sorry I didn’t mention the .mo file in my last post, but I did upload both files.
I translated the same string into German, which is working fine. So I assumed that it should work if I replace it with another English word instead of a German one. Is that so?
I added the code to the wp-config.php and changed en_US.po in the code to hueman-en_US.po. Here is a screenshot of the config-file.
This is what the uploaded .mo file looks like: Link and the uploaded .mo and .po files in the themes folder: Link
Does this look okay?
That is the mistake right there. ??
Your config.php file should read as mentioned):
define ('WPLANG', 'en_US');
and NOT (which you have correctly uploaded to your wp-content/languages/themes folder)marikamitsos
PS: I would strongly recommend to keep a back up of ALL your altered .mo and .po files as well just in case something gets ovewritten by mistake or maybe by an auto-update. You never know.!
Hi marikamitsos,
the config.php did read
define (‘WPLANG’, ‘en_US’);
first, but as the sidebar title stayed the same I changed it to hueman-en_US.po thinking that I need to link what it says in the config.php to hueman-en_US.po.I’ve just changed it back to en_US. The sidebar title still says ‘More’ instead of ‘News & Challenges’.
Sorry for the delayed reply.…first, but as the sidebar title stayed the same I changed it to hueman-en_US.po thinking that I need to link what it says in the config.php to hueman-en_US.po.
I’ve just changed it back to en_US. The sidebar title still says ‘More’ instead of ‘News & Challenges’.If this is the case then:
The reason this happens is because we did not take into account the fact that you have an file already existing in the theme. This means that the theme will first look into it’s own language folder and will ignore your file from wp-content/languages/themes folder.
You have two alternatives for solving this issue.
1. The simple way. You have to delete or make un-readable (eg. rename to the file. Then, the theme is forced to read the hueman-en_US file from the file from wp-content/languages/themes folder. Following this road you will have to re-delete the new re-installed .mo file every time you update the theme.
2. The smart way. You “order” your Hueman parent theme to read the .mo file from your Hueman child theme. Hueman does this in a very easy and smart way. The ONLY thing you have to do is to read the Documentation.
Or read the following:
i) Copy to your child theme (always keeping the hierarchy) the hueman/languages folder.
ii) Replace in the child’s language folder, the and .po files with your own ones.
iii) In your child’s functions.php paste the following from the parent’s functions theme:function alx_load() { // Load theme languages load_theme_textdomain( 'hueman', get_template_directory().'/languages' ); // Load theme options and meta boxes load_template( get_template_directory() . '/functions/theme-options.php' ); load_template( get_template_directory() . '/functions/meta-boxes.php' ); // Load custom widgets load_template( get_template_directory() . '/functions/widgets/alx-tabs.php' ); load_template( get_template_directory() . '/functions/widgets/alx-video.php' ); load_template( get_template_directory() . '/functions/widgets/alx-posts.php' ); // Load custom shortcodes load_template( get_template_directory() . '/functions/shortcodes.php' ); // Load dynamic styles load_template( get_template_directory() . '/functions/dynamic-styles.php' ); // Load TGM plugin activation load_template( get_template_directory() . '/functions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php' ); }
iv) Change the following from this:
// Load theme languages load_theme_textdomain( 'themename', get_template_directory().'/languages' );
to this:
// Load theme languages load_theme_textdomain( 'themename', get_stylesheet_directory().'/languages' );
meaning the word “template” to “stylesheet”.
v) Enjoy
BONUS: this way you can keep ALL your custom language files for Hueman theme protected without resorting to creating etc files.marikamitsos
Hi marikamitsos,
thank you for your detailed reply. I saw your reply a few days ago, but was still knocked out by a flu with a temperature of up to 40 ℃. ??But I’m better now… ??
I would prefer the smart way so I don’t have to do the same thing over and over again.
I’m a bit wary when it comes to the functions.php though. I’ve tried to enter code in the functions.php of my child theme a few times and ended up with a server error each time. I couldn’t change it back in WordPress itself, so I had to go into my file manager and change the php file back to what it was for my website to work again.ii) Replace in the child’s language folder, the and .po files with your own ones.
Would the .mo and .po files be called the same, i.e. and .po? When you say my own, are you referring to the file, but changed to or would that be a new file I have to create from scratch?
BONUS: this way you can keep ALL your custom language files for Hueman theme protected without resorting to creating etc files.
I don’t understand why. I would still need the German version in addition to the English one.
Thank you,
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