• Hi there, fantastic theme, I am new to WP but 15yr with Dreamweaver and have 10+ Joomla sites. The Sixteen theme made the switch to WP a dream. I have only one issue – When i view my site through android (Samsung Galaxy Tab, Kindle) the sidebar drops to the foot of the screen, level with the main footer. This is only on the frontpage, on all others pages display fine. The site is live at https://www.cliveeastwood.co.uk
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ive tried several workarounds inc changing sidebar from right to left, and also removing the slider but to no avail. Thank in advance, Chris

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  • What are you wanting to happen when the screen gets smaller. This theme isn’t responsive so there no media queries in the style sheets that I can see.

    you could add them in your child theme with a rule like this

    @media screen and (max-width: 1100px){
        .widget_page{display:none !important;}

    which would hide the sidebar when there no more room for it.

    Note I didn’t try this so I will not swear it will work.

    Thread Starter ChrisAlias


    Thanks mrtom414 for your response, please note that thru Android, the sidebar displays perfectly on all pages within the site EXCEPT the frontpage. So am still confused…
    So if you are able to view the site via android, then you can click on the links page, and you’ll see the sidebar in the correct location. Yet not on the frontpage

    regs Chris

    ok chris I don’t have my phone with me but I will try to view it later. I think your still need to add media queries to deal with the problem. I think I need to find a browser plugin that will allow me to view the screens for different devices.

    Thread Starter ChrisAlias


    I am curious how it looks on a phone. I was absolutely delighted with the Sixteen theme,and also WP which seems so much more user friendly after a dozen or more sites using Joomla – which had been my first venture into CMS. It wasnt until i checked from a Galaxy Tab that I realised there was a problem. I really need to find a solution for this issue before I can use the theme professionaly. Thanks again for the fast response

    Thread Starter ChrisAlias


    Thread Starter ChrisAlias


    the frontpage layout (thru Android) looks like this:

    header header header
    slideshow slideshows
    main body text
    main body text
    main body text
    main body text
    footer footer footer

    only empty where ive put full stops

    Yet the internal pages are fine. WHEN i change the static frontpage to LINKS, then that page also displays in the strange offset layout.

    chrisAlias, i checked you website… it looks great! how you did that?
    I`m with the same issue with android and ipad. Can you explaim?

    thank you!

    Thread Starter ChrisAlias


    Hi bro.daniel.

    Unfortunatley, i wasnt able to fix the issue – so it seemed easier for me to simply recreate the frontpage full width – avoiding the strange Android display issue. I have noticed that the theme has had a couple of updates since…i thought that the issue may have been resolved, but I guess from your message that it isnt? Good luck anyway!

    ChrisAlias I am not a Web Design, so I do not know alot about it. If you do not mind can you send the html codes or whatever you did to fix it? And where you went to do that? Because what you did looks awesome! I realy wish to have that on my website.

    Thank you! And sorry for the inconvenience.

    Can the author ( Rohit Tripathi ) or someone else help me?

    I realy would like my theme showed up in android, ipad, kindle like this one

    I have the same problem that ChrisAlias had:

    “When i view my site through android (Samsung Galaxy Tab, Kindle) the sidebar drops to the foot of the screen, level with the main footer. This is only on the frontpage, on all others pages display fine.”

    thank you for your time and help.

    Thread Starter ChrisAlias


    Bro.daniel – on my site https://www.cliveeastwood.co.uk, i changed the frontpage settings to display full width – leaving most of the rest of the site with a sidebar. This in effect, resolves the problem.

    You can do this from the Pages menu, select Homepage, then Quickedit, then on the Template drop down, choose ‘Full Width(No Sidebar)’.

    Hope this works for you – I am a little dissapointed the designer hasnt sorted this, but life is too short to wait for other people – sometimes you have to adapt ?? good luck, Chris

    do you have a pro version? because mine do not show “homepage” in the pages menu.

    thank you

    Thread Starter ChrisAlias


    i dont have pro version. You need to look for either home or homepage – whichever page is displaying on the front – and then alter the template drop down for that page

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