• Enen


    I have just updated MB to the latest version 3.0.0. I find that though the sidebars flexible but the columns are set to take pre-fixed sizes. Is it possible to change the width to the desired size? For e.g. in the previous version I had set the sidebars to 165 and 300 respectively.

    When compared with the previous versions the latest one is less compact and has more blank spaces. If the blank spaces can be reduced then the site can show more contents in less space.

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  • Thread Starter Enen


    I have reverted back to the older version. Older version seems to be more user friendly that 3.0.0

    Theme Author bandicootmarketing


    Magazine Basic 3.0 is now built to be fully responsive using the Gridiculous boilerplate: https://gridiculo.us/

    You can check out some examples on the Gridiculous site to see what widths can be set for the sidebars.



    How do I specify sidebar size? Also the submenu is visible even if I dont select any menu in submenu option.



    I figured out how to adjust sidebar width. Its really awesome now, more choices than before. Thank you ??

    But I am still not able to hide the submenu, am I missing something?

    Theme Author bandicootmarketing


    The sub-menu bug will be fixed in 3.0.2. Open up header.php and just replace the site-sub-navigation div with this:

    <nav id="site-sub-navigation" role="navigation">
    	<h3 class="assistive-text"><?php _e( 'Sub menu', 'magazine-basic' ); ?></h3>
    	<?php echo str_replace( '</li>', '', wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'secondary', 'menu_class' => 'secondary-menu', 'echo' => false, 'fallback_cb' => false ) ) ); ?>
    </nav><!-- #site-sub-navigation -->


    Thanks, I guess I will wait till the update ?? Currently I am using the sub menu to display RSS, Twitter links. Looks better, I may stick with it also.


    re: sub menu
    I found a workaround. I created a secondary menu, but didn’t add anything to it. Then selected the newly-created secondary menu as the selection, and the sub-menu was gone.

    Theme Author bandicootmarketing


    v3.0.2 is now available.

    Thanks.It is allready installed.

    Ok, so I missed the how-to on changing the side-bar column widths. Or, alternatively, where to download the older version of Magazine Basic that allowed me to change them.




    1. Go to Theme Options
    2. Click Layout
    3. Choose the Site Layout and Site Width
    4. Main Content is where you choose the content display width. I have 8 columns as my main content option. It gives a wide content area. You can choose various columns and see which fulfills your need.

    Adjusting your content area width changes the side bar width as well.

    Thread Starter Enen


    After a few months, I have now attempted to use Magazine Basic 3.0.4. However, I am facing problem with the side bars. The right side bar is always appearing below the footer. Is there any way out? I would like to have a site with either one left / right side bar or two separate side bars. What should be the size of main content and side bars in terms of %? Any assistance would be appreciated.



    same problem here: right side bar is in the footer area on the translated version of the site. Did somebody figure out how to fix it?

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