• Resolved koty97


    Is there a way, how can I have non-responsive website, but with sidebars height, heading to footer? Everytime I turn off responsive layout, my sidebars ends in the middle of the page.

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  • Theme Author nobita


    Hi koty97

    Is there a way, how can I have non-responsive website

    Dashboard / Appearance / Customize

    Presentation / Layout and Sidebars

    You can select non responsive.

    • 750px centered
    • 950px centered
    • 974px

    If you need own page width

    Code add in functions.php first

    $raindrops_page_width = '1280';// ADD ONLY THIS LINE
     * @package Raindrops
     * @since Raindrops 0.1
    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

    1280 is pixel width

    Thank you.

    Theme Author nobita


    my sidebars ends in the middle of the page.

    For a variety of reasons, it may not be able to accurately determine the length of the side bar.

    If possible, please tell me the URL of the WEB site

    Thread Starter koty97


    My website is https://www.koty97.8u.cz

    Theme Author nobita


    Your Site return HTTP 403 Forbidden

    I’m access from Japan

    Thread Starter koty97


    https://koty97.8u.cz/wordpress it should work now

    Theme Author nobita


    Cause the side bar becomes shorter, has occurred to the height of the wpcufpn_widget theme can not be computed.

    You can avoid this problem by describing the style rules.
    Currently, the height of the side bar, because 1384px necessary

    Dashboard / Appearance / Customize

    Advanced / Site-wide CSS

    paste below style rules

    .page-id-2 #doc4 #bd .lsidebar,
    .page-id-2 #doc4 #bd .rsidebar{

    Save Publish

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter koty97


    I did as you said, and it fixed my problem on main page, but when I open another page (with more content) https://koty97.8u.cz/wordpress/skautske-symboly/ is still some space under sidebar.

    Theme Author nobita


    Please add below

    Dashboard / Appearance / Customize

    Advanced / Site-wide CSS

    .page-id-456 #doc4 #bd .lsidebar,
    .page-id-456 #doc4 #bd .rsidebar{

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter koty97


    Do I really need to set this for every single page? Isn’t there way, how to do this for every page automatically?

    Theme Author nobita


    It is an experimental code, but please try to add the following to the end of the raindrops.js

    ( function () {
        setTimeout( function () {
            var raindrops_main_sidebar_height = jQuery( '.lsidebar' ).height();
            var raindrops_extra_sidebar_height = jQuery( '.rsidebar' ).height();
            var raindrops_container_height = jQuery( '#container' ).height();
            var raindrops_sticky_widget_height = jQuery( '.topsidebar' ).height();
            if ( raindrops_main_sidebar_height > raindrops_container_height ) {
                jQuery( '#container' ).css( { 'min-height': raindrops_main_sidebar_height + 'px' } );
                jQuery( '.rsidebar' ).css( { 'min-height': raindrops_main_sidebar_height + 'px' } );
            } else {
                if ( raindrops_sticky_widget_height > 0 ) {
                    raindrops_left_sidebar_height = raindrops_container_height + raindrops_sticky_widget_height + 13;
                    jQuery( '.lsidebar' ).css( { 'min-height': raindrops_left_sidebar_height + 'px' } );
                } else {
                    jQuery( '.lsidebar' ).css( { 'min-height': raindrops_container_height + 'px' } );
                jQuery( '.rsidebar' ).css( { 'min-height': raindrops_container_height + 'px' } );
        }, 2500 );
    } )( jQuery );

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter koty97


    Okay, it looks like it works for every page except https://koty97.8u.cz/wordpress/co-je-skauting/ ??

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