• Resolved michaelmartin73


    Hello Paul, please can you give me a short breakdown of what the challenge complexity options are best used for? I have had a look at the help file page given in the WP dashboard (https://getshieldsecurity.com/blog/silentcaptcha-wordpress/) but wasn’t able to work out which option I should use in the drop down from this. It has defaulted to Medium, but I see there is an Adaptive setting also amongst others. But I’m not sure which to use. Thank you for your assistance.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Paul



    From the reference article, you’ll see that our CAPTCHA system uses the “proof of work” model. This basically means we present a complex task – something that is compute intensive – to the visitor, and ask them to solve the problem/challenge.

    The complexity of the challenge is as it sounds – how hard or how much effort/work will it take to solve the challenge. Ideally you’ll want the challenge to be a challenging as possible, but legitimate visitors with slow/old devices may take longer to solve the challenge. So if you expect your normal visitors to be predominantly running on mobile, or older devices, choose a lower challenge complexity.

    If you choose “adaptive”, then Shield will present a challenge complexity based on how the visitor is presenting (typically the useragent).

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter michaelmartin73


    Thank you Paul I will try the adaptive setting then and see how it goes.

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