**Not linked or affiliated to Post SMTP at all – Just another user**
The PHP Mailer is inherently the worst method to use due to the number of hosts that block it and the low spam scores it can give meaning it is by far the least reliable method of sending. It was the exact reason that POST SMTP and other SMTP plugins were born, i.e to get away from using the PHP Mailer option.
If mail is that important to the operation of your website, it would be a much better option to have a 2nd SMTP service set up and available with the SPF and DKIM records set up correctly. Ideally on a separate domain on a separate server. Even Gmail or Office365 correctly authenticated would be more useful as a fallback than the PHP Mailer function.
If PHP Mailer does function, in most ‘shared hosting’ type scenarios any emails sent internally (i.e. from your site to say [email protected], i.e. on the same server are likely to get through. Whilst this may be ok for website admin type emails such as security emails, WordPress system emails etc, PHP Mailer will still be very unreliable for any external emails (such as those sent to your customers in the event of sales emails for example). The use of PHP Mailer as a fallback in that instance would not be of much use.
Having said that it does vary from server to server. If you are running your own dedicated server and your IP and server reputation are fully under your control, and all your server configs are fully accessible by the developer, then there is no reason a PHP Mailer set-up cannot function well. (It is however most unlikely that a dedicated server would be running a mail server in addition to a web server in which case, you’d be using external SMTP servers anyway so adding a standby SMTP server wouldn’t be such a big leap).
**Not linked or affiliated to Post SMTP at all – Just another user**