• Really nice and easy to use plugin. It would be nice if this plugin is updated. Since it has been 2 years since the last update.

    Also, a nice feature would be to add the owl=”true” parameter when the WP gallery is created, either by default, or as an option that can be turned on/off.

    Great Work !

    Btw, for everyone that is looking, here are the owl carousel options that can be set within the shortcode. Note: I tested this only while using WP gallery shortcode. You can find this list in:

    wp-content/plugins/owl-carousel/js/script.js – line 55

    var parameterArray = {
    ADDCLASSACTIVE: “addClassActive”,
    AFTERACTION: “afterAction”,
    AFTERINIT: “afterInit”,
    AFTERLAZYLOAD: “afterLazyLoad”,
    AFTERMOVE: “afterMove”,
    AFTERUPDATE: “afterUpdate”,
    AUTOHEIGHT: “autoHeight”,
    AUTOPLAY: “autoPlay”,
    BASECLASS: “baseClass”,
    BEFOREINIT: “beforeInit”,
    BEFOREMOVE: “beforeMove”,
    BEFOREUPDATE: “beforeUpdate”,
    DRAGBEFOREANIMFINISH: “dragBeforeAnimFinish”,
    ITEMS: “items”,
    ITEMSCUSTOM: “itemsCustom”,
    ITEMSDESKTOP: “itemsDesktop”,
    ITEMSDESKTOSMALL: “itemsDesktopSmall”,
    ITEMSMOBILE: “itemsMobile”,
    ITEMSSCALEUP: “itemsScaleUp”,
    ITEMSTABLET: “itemsTablet”,
    ITEMSTABLETSMALL: “itemsTabletSmall”,
    JSONPATH: “jsonPath”,
    JSONSUCCESS: “jsonSuccess”,
    LAZYLOAD: “lazyLoad”,
    LAZYFOLLOW: “lazyFollow”,
    LAZYEFFECT: “lazyEffect”,
    MOUSEDRAG: “mouseDrag”,
    NAVIGATION: “navigation”,
    NAVIGATIONTEXT: “navigationText”,
    PAGINATION: “pagination”,
    PAGINATIONNUMBERS: “paginationNumbers”,
    PAGINATIONSPEED: “paginationSpeed”,
    RESPONSIVE: “responsive”,
    RESPONSIVEBASEWIDTH: “responsiveBaseWidth”,
    RESPONSIVEREFRESHRATE: “responsiveRefreshRate”,
    REWINDNAV: “rewindNav”,
    REWINDSPEED: “rewindSpeed”,
    SCROLLPERPAGE: “scrollPerPage”,
    SINGLEITEM: “singleItem”,
    SLIDESPEED: “slideSpeed”,
    STARTDRAGGING: “startDragging”,
    STOPONHOVER: “stopOnHover”,
    THEME: “theme”,
    TOUCHDRAG: “touchDrag”,
    TRANSITIONSTYLE: “transitionStyle”,

    So, in the shortcode use them like this:
    [gallery owl="true" navigation="true" pagination="false" link="none" columns="1" size="full" ids="120,121,122"]

    And a full list and the manner in which the owl options are applied you can find here: https://www.owlcarousel.owlgraphic.com/docs/api-options.html

    I think this should be part of the plugin documentation. ??

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