• amanzi


    Does anyone have any advice on how to get Simple PHP Gallery – https://relativelyabsolute.com/spg/ working in WordPress 15.? I’ve tried creating template files but am getting stuck as I know very little about php..
    Thanks – Stuart

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  • SlackeR



    works find.. only problem now is if the backgroud for the content and the sidebar is different… or if it has a line divider just like ur page… if you can remove that than everything will be ok



    yeah.. that’s my prob for now. i’m still working on it. ah but its not such a big deal i guess ;p

    no those solutions did nothing :/



    didn’t work for me either….surely there is someone who frequents the WP forums who could point us in the right direction …. I know there are CSS gurus wandering around…

    haven’t we proved that we have exhuasted every other avenue yet? I mean this thread has a few days behind it. Won’t someone please help the helpless? You all know what its like to have a visual problem on your blog … it keeps us awake at night…

    please…. [“Thud!!” … he falls from his chair weary of days of begging]

    Seriously, the lack of big support names here makes me think we’re being ignored for some reason…what gives?

    Won’t someone tell us why the sidebars are being forced under the content (mine, again appears perfectly in FireFox, it only happens in IE)

    Examples, again: https://www.progressiveink.com/photos/sp_index.php





    Well, I finally got it fixed. The problems were sprouting up because of the way Wp 1.5 interprets its themes and the double callied tags in the sp_index. For me <div id=”content”> and <?php get_sidebar(); ?> were being called – or forced twice – because of the <?php get_header(); ?> and <?php get_footer(); ?> calls in sp_index.php (get_header(); ?> and <?php get_footer(); ?> calls files up that contain two addition instances – in this scheme – of <div id=”content”> and <?php get_sidebar(); …. does this make sense.

    Anyway, I changed these and it works perfectly now in FF and IE …



    amanzi, how did you make your page link point to ‘photo-gallery’? All of my page links look like https://pkey.us/?page_id=43

    I tried but i keep getting this error

    “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rmdirr() (previously declared in /home/usman/www/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-theme-mgr.php:189) in /home/usman/www/www/gallery/sp_helper_functions.php on line 188”

    What does that mean?

    I’m not getting this to work properly. I followed shayne’s instructions. But what do I do with the htaccess.txt? Add that to the htaccess file? Where?

    I got this error:
    Warning: mkdir(cache): Permission denied in /Users/ron/Sites/ronish/wp-gallery/sp_def_vars.php on line 26

    Warning: mkdir(rcache): Permission denied in /Users/ron/Sites/ronish/wp-gallery/sp_def_vars.php on line 3

    Then there was a link to the folder with the image, clicked, and then a link to the image; clicked, then the image showed up.

    1. Do I need to change htaccess? If so, where is that?
    2. Anything else?

    The htaccess goes in the folder the gallery files are in.
    As for the mkdir stuff, looks like your host won’t allow you to set permissions via PHP, so you’ll have to go into the sp_config and disable the automatic cache creation.

    I am having a problem with his tutorial.

    I keep getting these PHP warnings:

    Warning: main(/home/tcoburn/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/simple-green/searchform.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/tcoburn/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/default/sidebar.php on line 5

    Warning: main(/home/tcoburn/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/simple-green/searchform.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/tcoburn/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/default/sidebar.php on line 5

    Warning: main(): Failed opening ‘/home/tcoburn/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/simple-green/searchform.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/tcoburn/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/default/sidebar.php on line 5

    I looked in the modified sp_index.php to see if I could take out the references to /wp-content/themes/default/sidebar.php since I’m not using the default theme, instead I’m using the simple-green theme, which doesn’t have a sidebar.php. so I don’t know how to modify the sp_index.php to reflect this?

    I opened up the modified sp_index.php and I see no reference to this,
    so I have NO Idea why I am getting these warnings, anyone have any ideas?

    ok, I commented out the <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    at the end of sp_index.php, and that worked,

    but the layout doesn’t look anything like my theme ??

    In order to get this working…you could try the following:

    copy over your entire header.php to the index file for the gallery overwriting anything up to:

    Simple PHP Gallery by Paul Griffin.

    Then edit the CSS as appropriate. I’ve got the gallery working with about four or five templates from scratch and it’s not all that difficult. Keep the process simple. Once you have successfully got the funtionality of the gallery working THEN work on the styling.

    I recommend the Web developer extenstion for FF to work with that way you can reference the same css for the right element on the gallery page. You will need to edit the path to the stylesheet so it’s directed towards your stylesheet in the themes directory. In my case I simply copy the style.css over and stick in the same dir as the gallery folder, strip out the junk and keep in what’s needed.

    Additionally, this method allows me to modify the gallery to not only look like the theme, but also to vary the design if I want to, as its not linked to the theme stylesheet. Any advantage to this? not really, but I’m happy with keeping it seperate.

    The layout needs WORK – that is it won’t automagically looking your theme unless you edit the css for the gallery.

    I would like to download this PHP Gallery but the link to get it at is dead apparently. The link I found (https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Simple_PHP_Gallery) said to go here to download it (https://relativelyabsolute.com/spg/) but when I go to that link it says, “This site has been deactivated.” Is there someplace else I can get it? Thanks.

    Same thing Jintzey lost my copy trying to find the original one.

    anyone know where I can download SPG the original one?

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