Simple Steps To Upgrade for WP 4.0.1
I have reviewed the underlying code and found a few small changes which allow Digressit to work on WP 4.0+.
These steps are what worked for me, I have not fully test 100% of the functionality of the plugin, but it restored front end functionality for my site.
Step 1) Comment out outdated Google CDN jquery load
if (!is_admin()) { // wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' ); // wp_register_script( 'jquery', ''); }
line 715, 716 in core-functions.php /wp-content/plugins/digressit/core/core-functions.php
This could be replaced by current CDN url, but just commenting out both lines works fine.
Step 2) Fix small mistake in JS
form_id+' . loading-bar , #'+form_id
form_id+' .loading-bar, #'+form_id
Line 8 and Line 19 of /wp-content/plugins/digressit/core/js/digressit.core.min.js
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