Cena, you are very welcome.
OceanWP saved the day as we will not write off WP Job Manager but only replace the theme.
Jobfinder theme design does not make sense in that:
1) It is confusing. If OceanWP could get the site up and running right out of the box, while JobFinder theme causes so much trouble to set up, then it is a poor product.
2) The documentation is really sparse. TinyGiantStudios claim the theme to be “incredibly well documented”.
This is their documentation page:
And we read from the beginning to the end, and could not find one letter devoted to solving the widget and social button issue, as shown in this screenshot:

OceanWP does not have this issue at all. And I think it is the same like many other themes.
3) The response is really slow. We normally will wait for 2-3 days before they respond. And in the process, we likely will run into other issues which leads to more tickets, hence more backlog.
Switching to OceanWP allowed us to clear the backlogged issues in less than 5 minutes.
4) I am questioning the ability of the TinyGiantStudios to design a good user experience for its users.
For example, the appeal of Job Finder theme is tied to its display of map. This is actually a very reasonable requirement. However, the way JobFinder is designed does not make much sense. Its default is a static map image – why would anyone want that?
They can very easily utlize for example, shortcodes provided by GeoMyWP team to achieve a much more compelling design.
They did not. Instead, emphasizing their design is “incredibly well documented”.
I do not know what to say. Maybe they should include a prerequiste that to use products by TinyGiantStudios, one needs to have a Master’s degree in Computer Science, incredible patience and ability to fix design issue with their own super coding skills.