• Before I go off and try to root around to make a custom widget I thought I would ask.

    What I am looking to do is have a single search text field on my main page, but it uses one to many profile fields to filter the member directory.

    Say the textbox would look at name, city, and zip.. so the SQL would be a few ‘or’ in there.. does that exist in a plugin somewhere, or something I would have to look at bashing together?


    Side note – great plugin.. hits all my major needs except this one blocker.

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  • Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @modi1231,

    Unfortunately, it’s not possible to have one search field for different user fields in the current version of the plugin, however, we have plans to add this option in the future plugin updates.


    Thread Starter modi1231


    Thanks for the update. Glad to hear I wasn’t missing something obvious!

    Just jumping on this thread as modi1231 and I are in very much the same boat! Do you have a rough timeframe for when the single-box search function will be available, please? I don’t want to try to cobble together a solution if it’s only weeks away ??

    As modi said, great plugin, apart from the search function it’s absolutely fantastic!

    Hi @ultimatemembersupport – is there any news on whether this function would be in the next release / an ETA? If there’s a better place I should be asking this question, apologies in advance!


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