• Hello,

    I have three schemes set up. Identical seat numbering. When booking a seat in two schemes on a single order I have a problem. In the admin I can see both places reserved, but only the first scheme is named – so I cannot tell from the order which of the other two schemes has a booking. Any ideas?



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  • Thread Starter Gary Sands


    I’ve hacked the admin-orders-view.php file with this

    foreach ($place_ids as $value) {
        $scheme = $this->get_scheme_by_place_id($value);
        echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">'.$scheme->name.'</th>';
        $place_name = $places[ $value ]['place_name'];
        $place_price = $places[ $value ]['place_price'];
        echo '<td>'.$place_name.' : ' .$place_price.'</td></tr>';

    which gets me a list of “schemes” v “places” on a single order.

    Plugin Author ArtkanMedia


    Hi Gary,
    Sorry, can’t understand the problem.
    So you have several schemes published on the front-end.
    And user adds places from different schemes to cart and then checks out. Is it something you try to do?


    Thread Starter Gary Sands


    Yes this is for the admin of the website. If an order contains booked places from more than one scheme, only the first scheme is mentioned in the order,

    from admin-orders-view.php

    $scheme = $this->get_scheme_by_place_id($place_ids[0]);

    I also need to get this into the email template, as I think at present it will also only mention a single scheme?

    Make sense?

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