Single quote in alt text with Lazyload module activated breaks images
Hey guys,
I recently bought on of your theme (Squaretype) and in posts, some images were not displayed. I could find that images with a single quote in the alt text were not displaying E.g.
"en provenance d'euronext"
By trying to disable stuff here and there I found that the Lazyload module in PowerKit was responsible. Disabling it displays the images.Here is the difference for the
code from my inspect console :<img src="" alt="Cotation en temps réel en provenance d" sur="" zonebourse"="" class="wp-image-588 pk-pin-it-ready" data-pk-sizes="auto" data-pk-src="
<img src="" alt="Cotation en temps réel en provenance d'euronext sur Zonebourse" class="wp-image-588 pk-pin-it-ready" srcset="
You can see the alt text is all broken up.
I disabled lazyloading for now, can you update when this is fixed ?
Thanks ??
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