• Hello Everyone, just want to say thank in advance for any help from anyone!!

    I am fairly new to wordpress. I have managed to create my site with very little help and only a couple bumps along the road. I am just about done with a few teaks here and there when I noticed that my site isn’t adjusting to my different monitors. I have created the site on my 17″ laptop but when I view it on my 15″ screen things are not where they are suppose to be. I found a view topics that gave some solutions but they didn’t work for me. If anyone would be as so kind to help me out, it would be much appreciated.

    Thanks so much!!

    This is my site:


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  • According to the responsive design, contents get rearranged accorinnd to the screen size for the best user experience. Like for tablet and mobile view. But there should not be too much difference between 17″ and 15″ screen view. Can you point out which things are getting misplaced? May be couple of screenshots of what change is happening and how you expect it to be?

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