• I cannot see my site today (www.chiropracticlifecentre.com)…don’t know what version I am on, and or what version of the Thesis theme is on there right now, because I cannot even access the dashboard. All I get is a white screen and the following errors:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/s/t/e/steech/html/clc/index.php:4) in /home/content/s/t/e/steech/html/clc/wp-content/themes/thesis_151/lib/functions/launch.php on line 96

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/s/t/e/steech/html/clc/index.php:4) in /home/content/s/t/e/steech/html/clc/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 850

    I tried reuploading those files from my backup on my local machine and its still there. ANY IDEAS ASAP!!


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  • first I’d try deactivating all your plugins and going to default theme.

    I know you can’t access your site, but from your server you can delete the plugins or rename the folder

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