• Hi, after manually editing of my functions.php my site is inaccessible (parse error:syntax error). I wanted to restore the original file via ftp, but the root is now completely empy. Did it cancelled all the files? Is it possible? How can i fix it?
    Thanks in advance

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  • Moderator t-p


    Parse errors:

    Syntax Error

    A syntax error means that you have made a mistake while creating your PHP structure. You could, for example, be;
    ■ Missing a ; at the end of an individual line.
    ■ Using curly quotation marks.
    ■ Missing a curly bracket.

    When this error appears it will tell you which file the error appears in (functions.php for example) and approximately which line (it may not always be the exact line so be sure to check just before and just after) in the code.

    also make sure there is no whitespace at the begining or end of the file.

    Thread Starter fed1972


    Thank you so much Tara,
    but the main problem is not the parse error in itself, i know where is the mistake and how to fix or restore it. My problem is that now site is inaccessible via wp admin and via ftp the main root seems to be completely empty. The are no files. No one. This is strange! I guess/fear i will have to reinstall wp, but i don’t know if i have to do something else before or if it’s happened to anyone else.

    Moderator t-p


    the main root seems to be completely empty.

    You mean no WP files on the server? If they are not there, its possible they go deleted.
    If you are on a remote server, ask your webhost as to what happened to the WP files in the root.

    If you cant find WP files in the root, you may have to reupload them Read the Manually

    Thread Starter fed1972


    yeah, i mean WP files (like any other non wp file). The root is completely empty. No html, php, css, img files. It’s very strange. If i upload a single image via ftp, the relative url gives the parse error message; so i guess that if i put new WP this won’t solve the problem.
    I will try to ask my web host, but i fear it has no technical support.
    Thanks again.

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