• Resolved digbymaass


    The ‘Site Health Issues’ is a distracting red and no matter what ccs tricks I try I can’t seem to set the background colour to black. A small red dot might be appropriate if attention is needed, not a glaring red.

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  • You could use this CSS in backend:

    body #adminmenu .site-health-counter {
    display: none;
    Thread Starter digbymaass


    Sorry – doesn’t work! It’s in the wpadminbar and the li id is wp-admin-bar-site-health
    I’ve tried everything with no success.
    I can use a browser extensionn to override css with
    #wp-admin-bar-site-health {display:none;}
    but I’d rather do it at source.

    I thought you were talking about the red marker here:

    View post on imgur.com

    You can easily remove it with my recommendation. You would have to enter the code in a CSS file that is loaded in the backend. You can do this with this plugin, for example: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/admin-css-mu/ – or with an individual plugin.

    I cannot find an ID wp-admin-bar-site-health anywhere on my site. My guess would be that this is added via a plugin you are using.

    Thread Starter digbymaass


    It’s the admin bar at the top when you are editing. It’s a ul with li ids for various things. I’m using classic if that makes a difference. I’m also wondering if the plugin stopbadbots is adding thie to the menu bar unbidden. Do you use that plugin?

    I am not familiar with this plugin, nor do I have any output from Site Health issues in any place other than where I described above. If you have these issues elsewhere, they are caused by a plugin you are using there. If you want to rule out plugins as the cause, deactivate them as a test. Once you have found the plugin responsible, contact its support for clarification.

    Moderator Jan Mc Kell


    Hi @digbymaass,

    Based on the information you have discussed so far, the observation you made should be resolved, and/or you would have needed to reach out to the support team for the stopbadbots plugin.

    As you haven’t shared any updates in over a month, this thread is being set as Resolved.

    Please feel free to reopen, if you have any update or a related question about this.

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