Hey @marco-raaphorst – Thanks for publishing the post and sending the newsletter email. I noticed something unusual, but I’ll go into more detail on that later in this reply.
As a first step, could you confirm whether the “Block Remote Content” setting is disabled for your Apple Mail App? You mentioned that Privacy Protection option is not enabled, so can we assume that “Block Remote Content” is also turned off?
If that’s the case, let’s move forward and here’s what I observed:
When I received your newsletter email and first opened it in the Apple Mail App on my Mac, your profile picture and the newsletter image were not displaying. However, while keeping the Apple Mail App open, I signed into my iCloud Mail account via the browser and opened the same email there. Everything displayed correctly in the browser, and at the same time, I noticed the images also started appearing in the Apple Mail App on my Mac.
Could you try this step on your end and let me know if you experience the same behavior?
If you don’t observe the same behavior on your end, we would need Admin login access to a test site hosted on your hosting provider’s server. This will allow us to check whether the issue we’ve identified on GitHub for Bluehost also occurs with your hosting. Ideally, setting up a fresh test site for us would be helpful. I wouldn’t recommend using a staging site, as it could lead to Jetpack connection or identity crisis/safe mode issue with your main site. However, if you can provide a new site on a separate domain or subdomain, that would be the best option and whatever testing we do there, it will not affect your main site. This will help us determine whether the issue is related to your hosting provider or specific to your site.
If you can set up a test site on a separate domain or subdomain hosted on your hosting provider’s server, please share its login credentials with us via the contact form here. In the form, include the link to this forum topic for our reference, the test site’s Admin login details, and your permission for us to access the site and conduct testing.