• Resolved shweta21


    Bit Urgent:

    Our site is already connected to Google Merchant using Website Crawl method. What if we now use your Plugin and upload the Feed on Google Merchant now.
    a). Can we do that. Will it create duplicate entries or overwrite the existing ones in G Merchant.
    b). Will it overwrite only the exact same URLs (for simple products), and create New entries for Variable products. Because, currently Merchant is showing only simple URLs, that is for Simple products.

    c). In either case, I wish It does not require to Delete the Existing data or products that are already showing in Merchant, successfully. If I want to use your plugin now.

    d). I am asking this, as many of the products are already showing on 1st page (few of these on first 3 results), in Google Shopping tab, with specific Keywords. And I do not want to loose the rankings. As, we have already started getting queries and orders on those products.
    Say, if we use the Search KW – Gucci handbags, then on Google Merchant it is showing on Top (atleast here for us, in India)

    Similarly, for the Search KW – Elephant Tapestry

    And many others, like this.

    And I do not want to loose the results. So, I hope it is Not required to first delete the Existing Feed or products from Google Merchant. And on top of this, I can start using your Plugin and ADD the feeds directly to the Google Merchant.
    Please share your valuable inputs on this. Your suggestion is very much required on this.
    If there is a workaround or alternative, then please try to share that also.


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  • Plugin Support ansarybadal


    Hi @shweta21

    I guess you can use either Content API or CTX feed to upload data on GMC. However, we haven’t tried our plugin on the same store having content API enabled, so we can’t say for sure.

    So, my suggestion would be to use any solution to avoid any kind of product override or please, reach out to GMC support to know more about this.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter shweta21



    I currently have around 85 products that were added using the Website Crawl (or API).

    I want to use CTX plugin now. After getting the Feed Active and refreshed on the Google Merchant, from CTX plugin, I am looking to Pause or Delete the Existing Feed that was added using Website Crawl. So as to avoid further entries from Auto-Website-Crawl. As that will also keep adding the products and increase the number of products and may create problems with CTX feed too.

    And as, I will be having more products every day. Means, I do not have fixed number of products and will keep adding the products.
    If the feed from CTX plugin overwrites the existing product URLs, then, I think, there should not be any critical issue.
    However, it that duplicate the entries, then I will try to delete the previous feed that was added as Website Crawl.

    In that case, what shall be done. What is the best practice. What are your suggestions.

    Can you please suggest on this.
    Would highly appreciate, if you could please share your experience and throw some light on this, with details.


    Plugin Support ansarybadal


    Hi @shweta21

    As I understand the situation so far, you have uploaded a feed on GMC that has been created with CTX feed containing 85 items. Now, you don’t want to duplicate those items on GMC and also want to keep adding new items to the feed and GMC.

    Now, let me explain how our plugin updates the feed –

    Suppose you initially created a feed that included 85 items, and after a few days, you added 5 more items to your WooCommerce store. If this is the case, our plugin will automatically include those 5 items in the feed if you keep the auto-update enabled form here.

    Now, if you keep the auto-update enabled, the plugin will keep updating the feed on your website, including all the new products and existing product updates like prices or title updates(if any).

    What happens if you keep the auto-update enabled and GMC fetches the feed automatically?
    In GMC, If you used the Scheduled Fetch option while uploading the feed, the feed will be automatically fetched from your website based on your Fetch Schedule. However, as the feed will have the same Product ID for all the previous items, the update feed fetch will not duplicate the existing items in GMC rather it will update the existing items if there is any update like price and any new item added to the feed will get added to GMC as well. So, after a successful auto-feed fetch, there will be 85+5=90 items in you GMC.

    I hope the above is clear to you.
    However, if you are still have confusing, I would suggest you google about GMC and its working process as I guess you don’t have much knowledge about GMC and you should know more about GMC to keep your GMC account up and running.

    Thank you,

    Plugin Support ansarybadal


    Hi @shweta21

    Since we are already in touch via our support email, let’s continue our communication there.

    For now, I am marking this thread as resolved.


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