• ian2834


    I have been building out a site part time over a few weeks now. About 10 days ago I switched themes from Chaplin to Twenty Twenty Two because I wanted to take full advantage of the new editor. I changed the site logo from the placeholder that I had on Chaplin to a new one and now it will not show on the view site version of the site.

    I made the change with the replace option while editing the header and I can see the new logo exactly and I want it to be in every place it shows up in the editor. When I go to the preview view it disappears. I can use the inspect element option in Firefox to see that there is still a div for it and the link element exists, but the image is not being pulled in.

    In an effort to solve this, I have already flushed the cache several times. I have deleted all cookies associated with this site in the browser, I have removed the unused Chaplin theme, and I even removed the file for the old placeholder logo. None of these options have done anything.

    Is there a place outside of the new editor that I can set the logo? I have looked to see if that was overriding it, but have not found anything. Any help or advice as to how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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  • Moderator jordesign


    Hey @ian2834 – that definitely sounds very unusual. Do you have a URL I can take a look at the site on to see what might be happening? If you have a screenshot of the page in the editor that would also be helpful

    Thread Starter ian2834


    Hey @jordesign – thanks for the quick follow-up.

    The site is still in coming soon mode. This might be a really rudimentary question, but is there a way to get you a link while still in that mode?

    Here is what the site looks like in the editor:

    Here is the site in preview mode:

    Please let me know if there is a better way to share and if I should take the site live in some way so that you can more easily look at it. I am fairly new to WordPress and completely new to the forums.

    Thanks for your time and help!

    Kavya Gokul


    Hey @ian2834! Have you tested this by making the site temporarily public? In some cases, maintenance plugins can mess with images if you have a CDN of some kind.

    Otherwise, you’d need to disable the maintenance mode for someone to take a look at it. If you make the site public, there’s a setting under Settings > General to Discourage search engines from indexing , which will prevent your incomplete site showing up on Google.

    Thread Starter ian2834


    Hey @properlypurple! Thanks for the guidance. The seems to have addressed the logo! The only strangeness left is that the donate button is squared off rather than rounded. But the image issue seems to have resolved.

    The button is strange, it has the is-style-circular class and does not appear to be overridden when I inspect the element.

    site URL is: https://deepwatersrecovery.org


    Moderator jordesign


    Hi @ian2834,

    The button is strange, it has the is-style-circular class and does not appear to be overridden when I inspect the element.

    Are you able to try and manually add the border radius to that button itself?


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