• Hello does anyone have an optimizer that is compatible? I had Autoptimize on which was helping the site speed a lot, but the images weren’t showing on the rating form in the separate view so I had to disable it. I can’t find where to exclude specific pages on Autoptimize, so wondered who is using any successfully so I can try something else?

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  • Regarding Autoptimize: could be due to CSS or JS or Image optimization, try to identify which one by disabling (and re-enabling) CSS optimization and then JS optimization. once you know that you’ll have to look into which CSS- or JS-file to exclude from optimization to fix (probably Entrywizards). AO’s FAQ has more info on troubleshooting and how to exclude.

    And excluding one specific page can be done either with a couple of lines of code, below example assuming you have have you entrywizard on vroom66.com/vroom/entrywizard :

    function vroom_noptimize() {
    	if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'vroom/entrywizard')!==false) {
    		return true;
    	} else {
    		return false;

    or using the trick described here ??

    hope this helps,
    frank (ao dev)

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