Site review
I would appreciate any help on this. I have just set up my blog and I have a few things I cannot figure out through reading the online documentation and the forums.
Somewhere on the WP site I saw that there is the ability to submit the site for review by volunteers, but I cannot find that same page again.
So, if anyone knows about this option I would be grateful if you would let me know how I go about submitting my site for review.
Many thanks.
This is where you “submit” your site for review. It’s a bit informal, but hopefully other people will take a moment to comment here.
I like your site…clean, well spaced, easy to read, and it looks like you have something interesting to say…Welcome to WordPress.
In case you are interested:
Search_Engine_Optimization_for_WordPressvery professional looking theme
It looks good. I like nice and clean.
Yes I agree with my comrades: very clean, easy to read and professional looking.
I′m not sure of having a calendar in the sidebar.
Congrats for the site ??
Thank you all for your quick and kind responses. I appreciate you taking the time to look at my site.
I’m not sure if this is the correct place to ask, but… I could not find the answer to this question in any of the forums or documents, so here goes: I would like to put my company logo in the header but I cannot figure out how to do so. I have it on my computer as a jpeg and as a gif. I think I need to get it to my hosting location, which is Network Solutions, and then somehow point to it from inside the header code in the the theme that I’m using (precious).
Again, any help would be greatly appreciated.
You would have to upload the logo to the web. It doesn’t have to be on your current site, you can link it from another site if you have a company logo on a webpage somewhere. From looking at your template the style.css file has a section called header on line 117, you need to dropdown to the nxt line and add the following code:
or, if it is in your templates image folder you can just add:
There may be some alignment issues with the text so you may have to tweek the rest of the code a bit to get it to line up properly. You may also have to edit the contentheader.php file. If so you may include on line 10:
<img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/images/yourcompanylogo.jpg” alt=”<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>” width=”your logo width size here” height=”your logo height size here” />
I hope that this works for you. Take care
Thank you so much for the code! I’m going to give it a try now.
I noticed that you don’t have your logo on, if you need help please let me know and I can try to assist more. If you need I can run your template on a test server and fix the problem and repost the exact fix. Good luck
Thank you so much for your kind offer. I’ve been away for a few days and just saw that you sent it.
Here’s the thing… although I’ve been able to get the site up and apply widgets, etc., I know nothing about coding, so when I tried inserting what you sent, I wasn’t sure what was line 117. So I tried inserting it where I thought it should go and after several times lost the sidebar and had to do a rebuild. So, I thought I wouldn’t bother anyone about this until I learned how to count lines, etc.
Having said that, yes, if you’d like to test it to see if it will work, I would appreciate it very much.
I am sorry that you had to rebuild the site. I will take a look at the files and see if I can come up with a solution. I use dreamweaver to edit css and php files and the text within those documents are located on specific lines which dreamweaver shows. If you tried to use the internal editor in WP there are no line numbers asyou probably figured out. I’ll let you know what I come up with.
Thanks for the response. It’s on my list to learn dreamweaver.
BTW, the benefit of rebuilding the site was that I learned a few new things about WP which were helpful.
Do you know if there is a way for me to keep more than one copy/file of my blog on WP – one that is production (live) and another that is a development file that I can play around with?
Thanks again.
You can do that but you need to create a second database, add a folder to your main www file and put the wordpress in there, IE: Once you install wordpress and all the plug-ins that are on the original site then go to the php my admin page and export all data from your production site and import it into the php my admin for the trial site. Once you do that the two sites will be identical. I would recommend installing Search_Engine_Optimization_for_WordPress on the trial site and then making all files and articles on that page inaccessible by google so that you don’t start getting visitors to your clone trial site. Good Luck.
Thanks again!
Hi, I apologize that it took so long to work on your header logo. If you want to take a look I have set up an example at
The first thing that I did was to create a banner in Photoshop. I used a 2 cent coin and then added your name. The file came out to 448px wide by 49px high. Once I had created this image I saved it as ruthgerath.png for web. I then uploaded the .png to the gfx folder contained in the main directory, wp-content/themes/precious/gfx. For your site it should be in the file gerath/blog/wp-content/themes/precious/gfx/.
O.K. Now you need to look in your file structure, you should have a folder called wp-content, click into the folder, from there themes, then precious. (This should be in the folder In the precious folder you have a file called contentheader.php, open it in an editor. Replace the following line of text:
<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>
<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/gfx/ruthgerath.png" alt="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>" width="448" height="49" />
Remember though you need to change the ruthcoined.png in the above line to the file name you gave your .png. Also, you need to change the width=”448″ and Height=”49″ to the exact width and height of your image. If this is what you were looking for then right click on the image on my website and “save picture as” then save it to your desktop. You can then upload itto your gfx folder and change the lines above without changing any of the coding and it will show up just as it does on my trial site.
This may seem like alot to do, but if you need help with your graphics I would be more than happy to help you, or to even create a graphic with your logo and name included and send it back to you. Just let me know. You can contact me via e-mail at [email protected].
I hope that this works out for you. Let me know either way.
BTW, other than file size and download time don’t worry about making the banner logo too big, this template will only allow your image size to the max width and will stretch for height as necessary. The only concerns are as I said, file download size as well as if it is too big you may get some distortion.
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