• I’m developing this site for a client and I’m using the blankslate theme but mostly I only just have css html and no plugins on the site. There seems to be an unusual behavior for if you scroll to about 60% of the way down the page and refresh, there is a repositioning (jittering). I set fixed height and width on the images on the page but I don’t think it is due to the images cause it happens on the privacy policy page. Was wondering if anyone had any ideas or if this is really normal behavior?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by James Huff. Reason: link moved to proper field

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • The jittering or repositioning behavior you’re experiencing could be caused by various factors. It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact cause without examining your site’s code, but here are a few common reasons and suggestions for troubleshooting:

    1. Lazy loading: If you have lazy loading enabled, either by a plugin or a built-in feature in your theme, it can cause images or other content to load as you scroll down the page, which may result in jittery behavior. You can try disabling lazy loading to see if it resolves the issue.
    2. CSS styling: Check your CSS to see if there are any styles applied to the elements that are causing the jittering. Look for styles related to positioning, transitions, or animations that may be affecting the layout.
    3. JavaScript: If you have any custom JavaScript code or third-party scripts on your site, they could potentially be causing the issue. Try temporarily removing or disabling any custom JavaScript or third-party scripts to see if the jittering stops.
    4. Web fonts: If you’re using web fonts, they might be causing a reflow of the page as they load, which can result in a jittery appearance. You can try using the font-display CSS property to control how web fonts are displayed while they are loading. For example, you can set font-display: swap; to use a fallback font until the web font is loaded.
    5. Browser compatibility: Test your site on different browsers to see if the issue persists across all of them. If it only occurs in certain browsers, it may be due to browser-specific behavior or compatibility issues.

    To help identify the cause, use your browser’s developer tools to inspect the page elements and CSS, as well as any errors or warnings in the console. This can give you more insight into what’s causing the jittering and help you find a solution.

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