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  • Ben


    Same problem here. I would simply replace the title in header.php with my site title (instead of the bloginfo call) except then I would have to do this for each user blog — which is not feasible. I don’t understand why each blog’s site title is stripped upon network activating the plugin (and then replaced upon deactivation, it must be the plugin). I would love to use your plugin, as it appears the best free solution to multi-site SEO, but I’m afraid I can’t until this problem is resolved.



    After poking around a little bit more, I found out this is because the plugin walks on the bloginfo function. From line 36 in sp-core.php:

    add_filter( 'bloginfo', array( &$this, 'delete_bloginfo_name') , 1, 2 );

    Unfortunately, it uses this to change the meta titles, so if I comment the line out the plugin becomes ineffective. Isn’t there a better way? Or am I missing something completely?

    I’m having the same problem. Id there any fix for this?

    Plugin Author Slava Abakumov


    SeoPress 1.2.4 (will be released in 10 minutes) should fix this issue. Please upgrade!

    Thread Starter knaveenchand


    It is still not fixed with 1.2.4 version of SEOPress.

    I have upgraded to 1.2.4 and activated it again but no luck. The site title and description continues to disappear whenever I activate SEOPress plugin. And when I deactivate this plugin, the site title and description appears normally.

    I am using buddypress default theme with latest buddypress plugin and latest wordpress version.

    Please help.

    Same for me – have only just installed the plugin. I’m using Twenty Eleven as my blog theme.

    Same for me. Site title does not show when activated. I installed and detected the issue last night. Hope this gets fixed…

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