• We have a site that we would like to translate into French so that there are basically two versions of the site one in French and one in English.

    Is there an easy way to do this? Do you need to make two different sites? Is there a way to somehow set them up as seperate themes or something?

    Part of the issue is what is the best way to get the translation company all the files, because they are in the database I just can’t send them the html files for the site which they requested so they could modify them and send them back…

    Has anyone done this before? Any advice or solutions are very much appreciated.


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  • I’m setting up a site in four languages. For each language I created a different category. Each language’s posts/pages go into their respective category.

    Using category and post/page templates, each page/post gets their navigational elements accordingly.

    For page categorisation I use the Page Category Organiser plugin

    Yes I did similar things.
    I even wrote about it.

    Cool, thanks for the tip moshu!

    You can just send the translation agency a dump of your wp-posts table and then, with Gengo plugin installed, insert the translation for every post.

    Also, you could use Language Switcher plugin, which is derived from Polyglot plugin. It saves the original and the translation as a unique post and separates both by means of <lang_XX> tags. That way, you could send to the translation agency a dump of your wp-post table, instruct them to write the translation wrapped in these tags next to the original, and then replace the wp-post table contents in your database with the original+translated ones. A faster approach, in my opinion.



    Looks like Gengo is dead for WP 2.3.3+ version.
    Most plugins you probably need will kill it.
    It has serious problems with pages (no sub pages etc), sidebar menus based on pages etc.




    They are working on updates: https://code.google.com/p/gengo-wp23/



    gengo-wp23_final_release.zip is as broken as the previous versions and WP 2.5 is not ready for a production site so I am screwed ??

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