• Resolved keshavgupta


    Hi, I am using sitekit plugin, I am using with [email protected] email id for analytics, search console and pagespeed insights but I am using adsense with different gmail id.

    So that I found an error “You have insufficient permission”

    what should I do in such situation?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Thanks for reaching out @keshavgupta.

    Site Kit can be connected to one Google account per WordPress administrator. If you set up Site Kit with Analytics using one Google account, and then connect AdSense using a different Google account, Site Kit will switch to the Google account used to connect AdSense. If that Google account doesn’t have access to the Analytics property previously connected, it’s expected that you’ll encounter permission notices.

    In order to resolve the issue you’re facing you can perform one of the below actions:

    1. Option one: Login to Analytics via analytics.google.com, from your [email protected]?Google account, and grant access to the Analytics property to the email associated with your AdSense account. If you then refresh the Site Kit dashboard you should no longer encounter Analytics permissions related messages.
    2. Option two: Login to AdSense with your Gmail account you used to set up AdSense, and delegate access to the Google account you used to initially set up Site Kit and connect Analytics ([email protected]). After doing this your [email protected] Google account will have access to the connected Search Console and Analytics properties, along with your AdSense account. You can disconnect from Site Kit and connect once more using this Google account and no permissions errors will appear.

    If you need any assistance with the above let me know. I’ll keep this support topic open while you perform once of the above and confirm all is ok. Note also that we have a guide on the plugin website in relation to the permission notice you’re encountering.

    Thread Starter keshavgupta


    But I don’t want to show my adsense earning to other wordpress user(Administrator). What show I do in such situation.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Other administrators won’t be able to view your AdSense earnings as long as they’re using their own Google login to sign in with Google (and you haven’t granted them access to your AdSense data). Users need to be granted access to view your AdSense data (from adsense.google.com), otherwise they’ll encounter permissions notices as you did with Analytics when your Site Kit connected Google account changed.

    If you’re using a shared WordPress administrator login then they will see AdSense data if the shared Google account has access to your AdSense data. This isn’t Site Kit specific, if you’re using a shared Google login a user could click on the link to AdSense directly from within Site Kit and view your data on adsense.google.com.

    Ideally each WordPress administrator should use their own Google account to login and use Site Kit.

    Thread Starter keshavgupta


    Thank you,

    Currently problem has been fixed.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Glad to hear it @keshavgupta, many thanks for the update. If you have any further Site Kit queries be sure to reach out.

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