• Resolved Andreas 2013



    I’m using W3 Total Cache together with XML Sitemaps and Wordfence. Unfortunately the preload-cache-option of W3 Total Cache isn’t working with the generated sitemap. When I try to open the sitemap https://mydomain.com/sitemap.xml, a blank page is shown in the browser. When I open the source-code, I can see the XML-sitemap, BUT at the end of the page there is some php code inserted (see below).

    Is this a known conflict, or why might this have happened?

    Thanks in advance!

    <!-- <pre>array(51) {
      array(5) {
        string(56) "SELECT name, val FROM wp_wfconfig WHERE autoload = 'yes'"
        string(379) "require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), include_once('/plugins/wordfence/wordfence.php'), require_once('/plugins/wordfence/lib/wordfenceClass.php'), wfCredentialsController::useLegacy2FA, wfCredentialsController::allowLegacy2FA, wfConfig::get, wfConfig::hasCachedOption, wfConfig::loadAllOptions"
        array(0) {
      array(5) {
        string(71) "SELECT name, value FROM wp_wfls_settings WHERE autoload = 'yes'"
        string(770) "require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), include_once('/plugins/wordfence/wordfence.php'), require_once('/plugins/wordfence/lib/wordfenceClass.php'), require('/plugins/wordfence/modules/login-security/wordfence-login-security.php'), WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS->init, WordfenceLS\Controller_WordfenceLS->_init_actions, WordfenceLS\Controller_Settings::shared, WordfenceLS\Controller_Settings->__construct, WordfenceLS\Controller_Settings->_migrate_admin_2fa_requirements_to_roles, WordfenceLS\Controller_Settings->get_bool, WordfenceLS\Controller_Settings->get, WordfenceLS\Settings\Model_DB->get, WordfenceLS\Settings\Model_DB->_has_cached, WordfenceLS\Settings\Model_DB->_cached"
        array(0) {
      array(5) {
        string(84) "SELECT name, val, autoload FROM wp_wfconfig WHERE name = 'detectProxyRecommendation'"
        string(287) "require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), include_once('/plugins/wordfence/wordfence.php'), wordfence::install_actions, wfLog->initLogRequest, wfUtils::getIP, wfUtils::getIPAndServerVariable, wfConfig::get"
        array(0) {
      array(5) {
        string(37) "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM wp_wfblocks7"
        string(223) "require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), include_once('/plugins/wordfence/wordfence.php'), wordfence::install_actions, wfBlock::lockoutForIP"
        array(0) {
      array(5) {
        string(143) "SELECT * FROM wp_wfblocks7 WHERE IP = '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Andreas 2013.
Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
  • Hi @andreas-2013, Thankyou for contacting us.

    We assume you have written print_r ($SOMETHING); exit; in the code or the debug is ON.

    Kindly check and please share us the debug log and sitemap URL if further assistance required.

    Thread Starter Andreas 2013


    @saurabhdhariwal01 You were right, after disabling debugging the XML output looks fine ??

    Thank you very much!

    Thread Starter Andreas 2013


    I noticed, that no URLs with query-parameters are added to the sitemap. Unfortunately I need them, because they have different content. Is there another way to add those URLs?

    Hi @andreas-2013,

    There is an section in our plugin “additional pages“. Please add those URLs you want to include in the sitemap. After that you can see those pages in /sitemap-externals.xml link.

    Thread Starter Andreas 2013


    @saurabhdhariwal01 I have thousands of pages with different query-strings, so adding them manually would be impossible to do ??


    We do not support this in our existing plugin, but we will track this and try adding functionality in our upcoming releases.

    Thread Starter Andreas 2013


    @saurabhdhariwal01 Thank you!

    I’ve just noticed, that paginated URLs of a custom taxonomy are not added to the sitemap -> mydomain.com/height/page/2
    Only the first page of the taxonomy appears -> mydomain.com/height/

    Is this correct?

    Hello @andreas-2013 ,

    If you want to include custom taxonomies in the sitemap, we have the option available for that in sitemap content part. You have to enable taxonomy you want to include.

    Thread Starter Andreas 2013


    @saurabhdhariwal01 Yes, I already enabled the custom taxonomies, and it works. But without PAGINATED URLs (please read my last message again)


    Plugin currently not supported to create sitemap of paginated URL of taxonomy, Plugin itself maintain pagination and of sitemap.

    If you are comfortable with providing sitemap URL, It will help us to provide further help.

    Thread Starter Andreas 2013


    @saurabhdhariwal01 Oh, that’s a pity, because I have hundreds of paginated taxonomy-URLs. I think, it’s normal for taxonomy terms to have more than one page, so other people will have the same problem. I would be happy, if you could implement this feature!

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