If I understand correctly, if you have subdomain multisite, then you’ll have one robots.txt file under each install, eg: site1.main.com/robots.txt, site2.main.com/robots.txt. And if you have subfolder multisite, then you’ll have just one robots.txt file under main.com/robots.txt that will contain all the sitemaps, no?
Two questions: first of all, I have a sub-folder install, and my robots.txt file only says:
# Added by Link Alias Generator (LAG) module
User-agent: *
Disallow: /go/
# End LAG
User-agent: *
Sitemap: https://jotcreative.net/sitemapindex.xml
Is that right? I unchecked and rechecked the option in the plugin to add the site indexes to robots.txt, but it sure doesn’t look like it’s adding all 7 of the sites in my multisite…
Second…is there any benefit to switching to subdomain over subfolder? Can’t remember why I picked one over the other, but…