I’m back … ??
Based on similar feedback from another user I decided to look into this some more. In that case using Autoptimize + Yoast SEO sitemaps + Quick Adsense resulted in blank sitemaps. I suppose you indeed meant just that, blank pages, when writing “if it appears at all”?
Anyway; the following small code change will force Autoptimize to completely ignore sitemaps (or any other type of non-html thrown at it);
Can you open up wp-content/plugins/autoptimize/autoptimize.php and around line 125 change;
function autoptimize_end_buffering($content)
// load URL constants as late as possible to allow domain mapper to kick in
if (function_exists(domain_mapping_siteurl)) {
function autoptimize_end_buffering($content)
if (strpos($content,"<html")===false){return $content;}
// load URL constants as late as possible to allow domain mapper to kick in
if (function_exists(domain_mapping_siteurl)) {
Looking forward to your feedback!