• Resolved ThankfulWPUser


    First off, I appreciate your plugin. Yoast SEO seemingly picks a random image from the post whereas the featured image, like you use, is a much better choice.

    I’m having difficulty getting a large enough image for the summary_large_image card. I’m not sure if it’s even related, but no matter what values I enter into the width/height under “Photo Card”, the plugin always makes twitter:image be one that’s something like 300 x 225 if it’s a wide image or 225 x 300 if it’s a tall one. — The wide one satisfies the minimum Twitter requirements, but the tall one does not.

    From https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards/large-image-summary-card :
    This Card requires an image with minimum width of 280, and a minimum height of 150

    A 225 wide image is less than 280.

    I’d prefer it just link to the “large” size image (and Twitter could resize it down).

    Or you could add an option to select the image size (such a “medium” “large” or custom set ones like “_800wide” or whatever each person has created in their settings, like when inserting an image into a post).

    That way, it fills the whole column when someone views the twitter post.

    At the bare minimum, it’s got to be greater than 280 wide for Twitter to accept it.

    Again, I very much appreciate your plugin and the time you spend on it.

    Thank you.


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  • Anonymous User 10765487


    That’s not a bad idea, I’ll see what I can do. I was confident that use large images for summary large cards but sometimes this card type is tricky.

    Just wait the next update ^^

    Anonymous User 10765487


    3.2.1 should do the trick ??

    Thread Starter ThankfulWPUser


    Very much appreciate the update… but the dropdown menu is nowhere to be found. ??

    Unless I’m totally missing something, I don’t see it under the settings page.

    Thanks in advance.

    Anonymous User 10765487


    It’s not in setting page, it’s in each post edit

    Thread Starter ThankfulWPUser


    I tried turning that on, just to check, before I messaged you.

    I see:
    Choose what type of card you want to use [dropdown box]
    Set another source as twitter image (enter URL) :
    [text area]

    That’s it.

    Yet setting the size on each page seems redundant, unless I’m missing something.

    Now it appears that the plugin is using the full size, which I’ve found may be over the 1MB limit imposed by twitter.

    Sorry to be a pain.

    Anonymous User 10765487


    It’s no problem being redudant, this allows customize per each post. If your file is over 1mb I encourage you to use WP Smush it to reduce its weight which can harm your performance.


    Thread Starter ThankfulWPUser


    I might not have been clear.

    There is no way to set the size of the image. There is no dropdown menu on the individual post page (when I enable the “Get a custom metabox on each post type admin”). It’s not there : perhaps the hook is missing?

    In my case, the featured image is only ever used as “full” when someone views it on the attachment page and requests to download it. When it’s shown for the article, the 1000wide version is used.

    I guess what I was saying is that it might make more sense for the admin to set the size of the image used than to set it per post.

    The “large” version of the image would satisfy Twitter’s requirements for most people, but the full size may not.


    Anonymous User 10765487


    1* The setting is not under plugin metabox but featured image metabox. There is no hook, I’m using a custom class. See screenshot

    2* No it’s better per each post (think about crop with other card types).

    3* I have to make settings that fit a lot of installations and several card types. Once again I encourage

    Thread Starter ThankfulWPUser


    Thanks for the screenshot. I would have not noticed that until the next post when I added a featured image.

    If I may be so bold, the “choose a size for this image to be displayed at” has no connection to the Twitter cards feature in most folks minds. Even worse, it just appearing will likely confuse most users.

    $sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
    puts the sizes in an array

    It would make more sense to have that be with the Twitter cards meta entry box if you want it on each page, and even more sense to be on the admin page.

    Even if you’re tired of dealing with me and my case, I would remove the “choose a size for this image to be displayed at”.

    Thread Starter ThankfulWPUser


    Don’t worry about me anymore. I’ll just use a different plugin. I don’t want to not have the full size image as big as it is filesize or dimension-wise.

    I was just suggesting that you have a dropdown box to let the user select what size image is linked for the twitter cards.

    Anyway, appreciate your efforts.

    Anonymous User 10765487


    How can you tell what I’m thinking about this? If you look at support you’ll see I care. It’s not a problem of “being tired” or anything like that.

    I’ve no problem making updates and updates if it’s worth. Sometimes it is sometimes not. I would not be a good plugin developer if all suggestions were added without any discussion. I mean there are a lot of users.

    But now it’s quite clearer with these additional explanations you give. I think what yu’re sayin is true. It might be confusing.

    I’m to correct this.

    Thread Starter ThankfulWPUser


    I didn’t think you were being difficult. In fact, I thought you were being quite generous at trying to get it to work and I saw where some people asking for support were quite rude to you.

    I wanted to make sure you knew I appreciated your help, even when I could see that it wasn’t going to end up with something that would work for me.

    What I was originally suggesting was to use the get_intermediate_image_sizes() function to get a list of the sizes and have the admin choose the desired size via the JM Twitter Cards setting page.

    You could have that option apply to all the card types or allow the user pick an option for each of the different card types.

    If you wanted total flexibility, you could also add that setting to the Twitter meta box on each entry as well.

    That’s what I was getting at before in that it likely only needs to be set once.

    Anyway, hope that clears everything up.

    Thread Starter ThankfulWPUser


    And yes, I’d still totally like to use your plugin. ??

    Anonymous User 10765487


    3.2.2 should fix this issue.

    Thread Starter ThankfulWPUser


    Awesome. The solution you implemented works GREAT! I’ve maxed out my $$ right now, but I made a note on my calendar to send you a donation next month. Thanks again. Very much appreciated.

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