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  • .comp-form-ul li span img {
        width: auto !important;
        height: auto !important;

    Paste that code in Custom CSS box.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Thread Starter amalto


    Yes, but it’s not that. ?? I want to change the “profile icon”, send image

    Try this

    .comp-user-header img {
        width: auto !important;
        height: auto !important;
    Thread Starter amalto


    Yeah! perfect!!

    Thank you so much!! sorry for newbie question ^^

    I’m glad it worked.. If you got a moment, please leave us a review here.



    After adding to CSS

    .comp-form-ul li span img {
        width: auto !important;
        height: auto !important;

    although the images got bigger, but because the whole popup box got bigger, I now can only see the top 3 types images, not the rest (1 more image, the compose box, and 2 buttons) . This is for both Chrome and Firxfox, on MS Edge it has the whole box in but the bottom got cut a little bit. I don’t know how it looks like on other browsers or mobiles, but it does not look right overall. My theme is responsive, by the way. I now have only 4 types (images), I may add more, which will worsen the problem.

    Another problem is I changed “Compliment” to a different name but when I go to a member’s profile setting, it sill shows a “Compliment” tab, and if you click on it, it says,
    “Compliments Settings
    Who can see your compliment page?”

    Can we change all these “Compliment” to my new name?

    Thank you


    Thanks for the bug report.

    I’ll fix it and let you know.


    Thank you for the reply.

    I just realized the popup box does not fit in a mobile device screen even when it’s in its original size without the codes to enlarge it. I’m not code-savvy but based on that, I’m guessing the problem is probably due to this popup not being responsive. If correct, then it just needs to be made responsive.

    Just to share. Thank you again.

    I came across a post yesterday saying pop-ups are not meant to be big and ought to be small, so I’m wondering since everything else of this plugin is just fine, only the pop-up for sending compliment is not responsive to all screen sizes, will it be easier to simply have users send from a standard screen, rather than a pop-up? It still gets the job done and the receiving end looks good already.

    Thank you.

    Hi pace,

    what exactly the problem you are having in mobile? if the compliment form is not scrollable then you can apply this custom css.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 420px) {
        .comp-modal {
           position: absolute;
           top: 20%;

    If you still have problem, please provide your site url.

    So I can understand the problem.


    Hi Mission Impossible,

    You’re absolutely right on that the problem is the form being unscrollable.

    And thanks to your secret codes, now Mission Impossible completed… well “sort of”.

    The form is now scrollable on smartphone screen but still remain cut at the bottom and still remain unscrollable on tablet screen.

    Any secret weapon for this one?


    by Mission Dispatcher

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by pace.

    Roger that Dispatcher.

    Tablet problem can be fixed by changing the px value from 420px to 992px.

    If you still have problem with 992, then try increasing that value.


    Mission Accomplished !


    You are welcome ??


    I added

    .comp-form-ul li span img {
        width: auto !important;
        height: auto !important;

    to make my compliment types files bigger in the pop-up. I have 8 of them displayed in 2 columns with 4 in each column inside the pop-up. Now they look bigger but the problem is the two columns are too close to each other and overlap a little in the middle of the 2 columns on desktop, and overlap big time on mobile screens.

    Can anyone help me fix that, please?


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