• Resolved kicker


    This plugin has been great for my blog. Using MAGAZINE PREMIUM takes all youtube players and make them the size of the article window, no matter what. ?? I did find a fix with a DIV 70% but traffic can still see it at the big 600 and then snap to the 420. Not good for page speed or SEO. So this plugin works great doing 420 in admin and saves me the player bandwidth too. Sweet.

    The problem.

    I have other Mag Premium sites that use several youtubes on each page, what a great find this was for that. But all 80 pages are laid out in two columns, so I need the players at 280 or the most 300.

    What would be the best way of doing that?

    Sure would be nice to see a CUSTOM SIZE in admin. ??
    Or perhaps a few smaller sizes on the admin list.



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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Well, there should be no need for smaller sizes, as the lyte vid will automatically resize to the width available in the container div. Give it a try ??

    Thread Starter kicker


    hmmm… I am at work and havent tried it.
    The content is in a fixed table column 300px wide, not a div.
    How should I go about applying?
    Thanx again

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    just did a quick trial&error attempt on my testblog, it works if you apply “display:block” to your td’s (or if you wrap the httpv-link in a container div with a fixed width).


    Thread Starter kicker


    Have another problem. Using Mag Premium. The line of code shows on the excerpts of the front page.
    rackjite.com to view.
    thanx, kicker

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Well, it depends on how “magazine premium” handles this (guess you tried to add the code but that it got janked?) and if the theme has an API of some sort that you could use?

    Thread Starter kicker


    Not sure if it is the EXCERPTS plugin or Mag Premium.
    But off hand you don’t know of any trick to HIDE the code?

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Problem is probably “excerpts” plugin (is it on www.ads-software.com?), which is bypassing the lyte-excerpt function (which is configured to replace the default wordpress one).

    If that plugin has an API, you can tell it to use something like this to scrub all httpv-links (from lyte_helper.php-example, in this case to clean “all in one seo” descriptions);

    // add_filter('aioseop_description','lyte_filter_aioseop_description');
    function lyte_filter_aioseop_description($description) {
            return preg_replace('/\shttp(v|a):\/\/([^\s<]*)/','',$description);
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