thanks for the answer, but this is not the feature I mean.
I referred to the commission payout. When an affiliate signs up, he has the option between check and paypal. Were I live (Sweden), both options are not very common. Affiliates prefer to be payed by regular bank transfer.
For me, either of these solutions would work:
1) Remove the payout selection step completely when an affiliate signs up. I can then exchange information (bank details) by email. If I uncheck both payment options in the Affiliates Manager interface (Settings/Affiliate registration tab), the affiliate signup process is a dead-end as the option is mandatory and without selection one cannot proceed.
A solution would be to simply skip this step if in the settings no payout method option is selected.
2) Add a “manual” payout method option in the settings. Manual simply means that the payment is handled by other means than check or paypal.