• Resolved JonasVorwerk


    Currently we’re developing a website with ‘event calendar’ and ‘event tickets’ using Woocommerce. Works straight out the box but also comes with build in things we don’t need.

    Todays challenge:
    Skip the ticket popup on the the event page and go directly to the checkout page.

    Anybody who can point me in the right direction?

    All the best,


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by JonasVorwerk.
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  • Plugin Contributor Juan Aldasoro


    Hi @jonasvorwerk,

    Thank you for reaching out with us. I hope you’re doing well.

    If you want to avoid having the Attendee Registration modal and having the Attendee Registration page instead, you can disable the Attendee Registration Modal in Events > Settings > Tickets > Attendee Registration Modal

    If you still want to have the Attendee Registration Modal but you want to proceed to cart if no tickets with Attendee Registration Fields are in cart, you can add the following snippet:

    add_filter( 'tribe_tickets_modal_show_if_no_ticket_with_ar_in_cart', '__return_false' );

    Adding snippets to your site should be fairly easy. You could try by using a plugin like the following: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/code-snippets/ – If you need more information about using custom snippets you could check the following article: https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/k/best-practices-for-implementing-custom-code-snippets/


    Hey there! This thread has been inactive for a while so we’re going to go ahead and mark it Resolved. Please feel free to open a new thread if any other questions come up and we’d be happy to help.

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