First off thank you for your reply. We use the draft scheduler nightly to schedule 300 drafts from 03:30-08:30 and then some other odd number which changes daily for between 06:00-09:30
When we schedule them we also schedule the date (which is usually the next day as we schedule the evening before) and then select the random option, post exactly 999 and then select the times. The 999 number is just to allow for up to the total number of posts daily for the day.
We’ve been doing this successfully since mid November but there have been a few times where it just didn’t work and I never could figure out why because the next day it would. It was just by chance that I saw someone else post their problem about the 10th date.
Last night it failed no matter how I tried it, I even entered the exact number of posts, which was only 94 at the time, and they all remained in the draft status. I uninstalled the plugin and then downloaded your update for 1.9.1 and still had the same issue of not being able to schedule on the 10th.
I don’t know what help that does, however I can tell you I tried ever combination of number of posts, up to posts, times etc and could never get them to be scheduled for today.
I’m going to look through my emails and see if I can figure out other days it was that we had issues and if it was on the 10, 20th or 30th of the months.
thanks again and look forward to anything you come up with, or let me know if you need me to test or try anything else.