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  • Plugin Author



    to use SKU – you should replace
    $product_name = $item['name'];

    $product   = $order->get_product_from_item( $item )
    $product_name = $product->get_sku(); 
    Plugin Author


    for CSV — it’s quite complex .
    I’m sorry, but I can’t program it now.
    You can check following code and use it as start point.
    This code removes empty columns.

    add_filter( "woe_csv_header_filter", function( $headers) {
       $_SESSION['woe_rows']= array();
       return $headers;
    //save all rows to array
    add_filter( "woe_csv_custom_output_func", function($custom_output,$handle,$data,$delimiter,$linebreak,$enclosure,$is_header) {
       $_SESSION['woe_rows'][] = array_values($data);
       return true;
    add_action( "woe_csv_print_footer", function($handle, $formatter ){
       $header = reset($_SESSION['woe_rows']);
       foreach($header as $col=>$name) {
         $col_empty = true;
         for($i=1;$i<count($_SESSION['woe_rows']);$i++) {
                 if( !empty($_SESSION['woe_rows'][$i][$col])) $col_empty = false;
           for($i=0;$i<count($_SESSION['woe_rows']);$i++) unset($_SESSION['woe_rows'][$i][$col]);
       foreach($_SESSION['woe_rows'] as $row) fputcsv($handle,$row);
    Thread Starter schmago


    Thanks for “SKU in columns” solution, works great!
    And thanks for the hint for CSV format, but I think it’s out of my knowledge ??

    Plugin Author


    here is code for CSV

    1. add fields SKU and Quantity to “Setup Fields”
    2. put following php code in section “Misc Settings”

    add_filter( "woe_csv_header_filter", function( $headers) {
       $_SESSION['woe_rows']= array();
       return $headers;
    //save all rows to array
    add_filter( "woe_csv_custom_output_func", function($custom_output,$handle,$data,$delimiter,$linebreak,$enclosure,$is_header) {
       $_SESSION['woe_rows'][] = array_values($data);
       return true;
    add_action( "woe_csv_print_footer", function($handle, $formatter ){
       $header = reset($_SESSION['woe_rows']);
       $sku_pos = array_search("SKU",$header);
       $qty_pos = array_search("Quantity",$header);
       $sku_start_pos = count($header);
       if($sku_pos !== false) {
         $added_sku_pos = array();// must rember SKU=>col pairs
         for($i=1;$i<count($_SESSION['woe_rows']);$i++) {
             $sku = $_SESSION['woe_rows'][$i][$sku_pos];
             if( $sku === "") $sku = "-empty-";
             $qty = $_SESSION['woe_rows'][$i][$qty_pos];
             if( !isset($added_sku_pos[$sku])) {// new sku
               $added_sku_pos[$sku] = count($header);
               $header[] = $sku; 
             $new_sku_pos = $added_sku_pos[$sku];
             //add missed cells
               $_SESSION['woe_rows'][$i][] = "";
             $_SESSION['woe_rows'][$i][$new_sku_pos] = $qty; // set new value
             // delete unused columns
         //prepare header
         $max_pos = count($header);
          for($i=1;$i<count($_SESSION['woe_rows']);$i++) {
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
    Thread Starter schmago


    I have created the 2 fields and dragged them on the left side, but it didn’t work.
    I have “-empty-” column where I have dragged 2 fields SKU and Quantity.

    This is the header I see in the csv file :
    Name,”Address 1″,”Address 2″,City,State,”Postal Code”,Country,Phone,Notes,-empty-

    Plugin Author


    Please, just drag them from section Setup Fields>Products(Product Order Items)

    Thread Starter schmago


    Now I can see my SKUs in the header.
    But cells (for quantity) are empty.

    Also I now have multiple rows for a same order (because we added Products(Product Order Items) fields I guess).

    Plugin Author


    ok, I see the problem.
    I’ll provide updated version tomorrow .

    Plugin Author



    Please, replace code with this version.
    go to Export Now , mark checkbox at bottom .

    but ALL product/coupon fields will be ignored in Setup Fields!

    // Export Products as columns
    // Format - CSV
    // Checked - Output column titles as first line
    class Woe_Product_Columns_CSV {
        function __construct() {
            //add settings, , skip products        
            add_action("woe_settings_above_buttons", array($this,"draw_options") );
        // 1
        function draw_options($settings){
            $selected = !empty($settings[ 'products_as_columns' ]) ? 'checked': '';
            echo '<br><br>
            <input type=hidden name="settings[products_as_columns]" value="0">
            <input type=checkbox name="settings[products_as_columns]" value="1" '. $selected .'>
            <span class="wc-oe-header">Export products as columns,  print <select name="settings[products_as_columns_output_field]" style="width: 100px">
    			<option value="qty">Qty</option>
    			<option value="line_total">Amount</option>
             in cell</span><br>';
        function modify_export($current_job_settings) {
            if( empty($current_job_settings['products_as_columns']) ) 
                return $current_job_settings;
            // remove products/coupons fields which might require 2+ rows per order 
            foreach($current_job_settings["order_fields"] as $k=>$f){
                if ( $f["segment"] == "products" OR $f["segment"] == "coupons" )
            //remember field to output in new cells 
            $this->output_field = $current_job_settings['products_as_columns_output_field'];
            //save all rows to array
            add_filter( "woe_csv_custom_output_func", function($custom_output,$handle,$data,$delimiter,$linebreak,$enclosure,$is_header) {
                if($is_header) {
                    $_SESSION['woe_rows']= array();
                    $_SESSION['woe_product_columns']= array();
                    $_SESSION['woe_rows'][] = $data; // 
                    return true;
                $order = new WC_Order(WC_Order_Export_Engine::$order_id);
                $extra_cells = array_fill(0, count($_SESSION['woe_product_columns']), "");
                // work with products
                foreach($order->get_items('line_item') as $item_id=>$item) {
                    $product   = $order->get_product_from_item( $item );
                    $column_name = $product->get_sku(); // we use SKU
                    //$column_name = $item['name'];    // uncomment to use "item name" as column
                    if($column_name === "") $column_name = "-empty-";
                    $pos = array_search($column_name,$_SESSION['woe_product_columns']);
                    if( $pos === false) { // new product detected
                        $extra_cells[] = $item[ $this->output_field  ]; 
                        $_SESSION['woe_rows'][0][] = $column_name;//modify header!
                        $_SESSION['woe_product_columns'][] = $column_name;
                    } else {
                        $extra_cells[$pos] = $item[ $this->output_field  ]; 
                foreach($extra_cells as $pc)
                    $data[] = $pc;
                $_SESSION['woe_rows'][] = $data;
                return true;
            //output session data
            add_action("woe_csv_print_footer", function($handle, $formatter) {
                foreach($_SESSION['woe_rows'] as $row) 
            return $current_job_settings;
    new Woe_Product_Columns_CSV();
    Thread Starter schmago


    As usual, amazing work!
    Huge help for us, thank you!

    Plugin Author


    so everything is ok ? any notes ?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
    Thread Starter schmago


    yes, works well!

    Plugin Author


    Ok, got it

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