1) If I understand you correctly, your idea would be that once the avatar signs up, a whole blog is created for them from scratch, e.g. using something like mydomain.com/Firstname.Lastname as the URL, and so forth?
Wow. That would be awesome ?? I have no idea if you can create whole new blogs from inside WP MU, but perhaps it’s possible, yes, I just don’t know how…
2) The Online Status inSL plugin is not abandoned, WordPress just thinks it is ?? There was nothing else for me left to implement, so, after a couple of years, WP considers it “outdated” hehe. I need to do a slight patch and upload a new version so that WP stops complaining.
A version that pulls the online status of each group member is technically impossible with LSL because, given a group name, there are no functions to list all its members. The only possibility to get that list would be to use libopenmetaverse — which is written in C# and runs under .NET/Mono, so you cannot write a WordPress plugin around it. I’m actually working on a small project to allow a libopenmetaverse ‘bot to be polled as a web service, and this could theoretically retrieve a list of all members in a group using a web service call, but, alas, you’d need a server to host that — I wouldn’t do it for free, because of the huge amount of requests it’ll get. Also, it would be an excellent opportunity for spammers — just extract the list of group members and IM each of them, one by one! — so that service would invite permabanning by Linden Lab ?? (not only they would prevent their sims to contact the server, but they would quickly figure out who is providing the spam service, and block their SL accounts)
For all those reasons, no, I won’t work on that feature request ??